Postpartum Depression Assignment

Is There A Significant Difference In The Occurrence Of Postpartum Depression In Mothers Who Give Birth Vaginally Compared To Mothers Who Give Birth By Cesarean?Postpartum Depression Assignment

Thesis Statement

High Occurrence Of Postpartum Depression Is Observed Among Women Who Give Birth By Cesarean.

Postpartum depression is more common among the postnatal depression. Medically speaking postpartum is the disease which affects woman during post childbirth. “Postpartum” means “to birth “and thus relates to the child, to giving birth refers to the woman. The concept of “Postpartum Depression”,Postpartum Depression Assignment

Postpartum Depression

This is a complex problem and the increasing diffusion. It is estimated that it can affect up to 10% – 15% of mothers. The onset is gradual and nuanced, but it can also be very fast, is the third month to the first year after childbirth. It is important to remember that untreated postpartum depression tends to be chronic, that the mother’s depression reduces the chances of developing a good tune with the child, it increases the discomfort and depression complicates the solution of the framework itself.


Postpartum depression is one of the major health issues for many different culture and women, there are certain measures, which help in diagnosing postpartum depression, such as detection of depressive symptomatology among women who had given birth requires screening program requires careful consideration, which can overcome the development of evidence based decisions. Moreover, screening and test of sensitivity can provide better result, which may help in interpreting the readily and incorporated practices that can cure the postpartum depression. Research suggests that postpartum depression agreeable for making interventions in treatment that provides reasoning for development of screening program. This depression can affect women of all ages, as it involves economic, racial and ethnic status. Postpartum depression, also known as postnatal depression, is a form of depression that occurs in the mother after the birth of his son and has been known for centuries.Postpartum Depression Assignment

The severity can vary from minor episodes of depression (often undiagnosed, because the functioning of the mother is apparently good even if the experiences and emotional experiences are of a depressant, the resurgence of unresolved conflicts with the significant figures of reference) up to episodes of severe major depression (Swain 1996).

Symptoms of postpartum depression

Mothers suffering from this disorder feel excessive worry or anxiety, are extremely irritable and feel overburdened and under pressure, is often a general difficulty in making decisions, the mood is depressed, are frequent feelings of guilt and loss of hope in future combined with a marked loss of interest or pleasure in doing things.

Sleep is disturbed this may be insomnia or hypersomnia, appetite, and can vary greatly, ranging from bulimic episodes; moreover physical symptoms may appear such as pain, numbness, and weakness of muscle. Some specific symptoms, which affect the mother-child and the mother often, exacerbate feelings of guilt, shame, and unsuitability for the role of mother. Postpartum Depression Assignment