Complications In Pregnancy And Childbirth

Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth and the Comparisons In Treatment In Tanzania and UK Hospitals.Complications In Pregnancy And Childbirth


The paper describes about the pregnancy and childbirth complications that occurs all over the world. It tells about the basic management of these complications in UK. It then compares these managements with the management given in Tanzania. It fully describes all the complications and their management in both countries.

Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth and the Comparisons In Treatment In Tanzania and UK Hospitals.


Most pregnancies proceed without complications , but sometimes minor discomforts may arise. The pregnancy complications are of several types, and can be managed by rapid assessment, timely management, and referral to appropriate health care services. To gain optimal outcomes of pregnancy, the professionals must know the etiology, consequences, diagnosis, and management of the pregnancy and childbirth complications. The paper describes the care given in the hospitals of UK and Tanzania.Complications In Pregnancy And Childbirth


Complications of Early Pregnancy

Bleeding complications

Bleeding in first trimester does not always mean miscarriage. It may occurs from the urinary tract or rectum. Vaginal causes include cervical infection, polyps, cervical trauma, cervical cancer, ectopic pregnancy, and molar pregnancy. A woman may get post-coital bleeding, or bleeding after vaginal exam due to rupturing of small blood vessels. A woman having low levels of progesterone may get vaginal bleeding, in these cases, supplemental progesterone may support pregnancy and matures placenta. Bleeding while implantation occurs from vascular disruption of the endometrial tissue when embryo implants, it can be profuse and occurs 5-6 weeks after the LMP (Clark, 2003, pp. 89-103).

Spontaneous Abortion

Spontaneous abortion is a term used to describe a miscarriage. It refers to the loss of a parts of conception before 20 weeks or if the fetal weight is less than 500 g. In 30% of spontaneous abortions, the woman is unaware of pregnancy. 17% spontaneously abort between 5 to 20 weeks. 50 % of spontaneous abortions are due to chromosomal abnormalities. Others are related to maternal hormones or morbidities such as diabetes, placental abnormalities, infections, and immune dysfunction.

Threatened Abortion

30 % of women who get vaginal bleeding lose the pregnancy. It may be fresh, scanty or profuse. The patient develop cramping and pain. These type of women develop pain and bleeding that can be prevented by proper management and support, if early diagnosis is made by ultrasonography (Clark, 2003, pp. 89-103).Complications In Pregnancy And Childbirth

Inevitable Abortion

When abortion is bound to occur, it is known as inevitable. The patient may complain of abdominal pain and bleeding, and vaginal discharge. This progresses to complete or incomplete abortion (Clark, 2003, pp. 89-103).

Complete Abortion

Complete abortion is the loss of all of the products of pregnancy , ultrasound exam shows an empty uterus. When bleeding diminishes, the uterus becomes empty. Some cases of complete abortion occur in first trimester (Clark, 2003, pp. 89-103). Complications In Pregnancy And Childbirth