Motivation To Become A Healthcare Specialist

During my science lessons I was exposed to many amazing functions of the human body; which had piqued my interested was the complexed study of the human body and how it recovers from injury. I always knew in life that the medical field was for me. I am confident with your help I can become a very successful health care specialist; I believe I have the right mind set, personality traits and the right skill sets – I’m supportive, trustable, sympathetic, caring and most importantly I’m a limitless source of positivity and passion. There’s no doubt that science has always been a strong interest of mine which is why for my A-levels I chose applied science this is due to the vast topics covered in each unit; the biology unit allowed me to attain a further understanding of how the body heals from injury.Motivation To Become A Healthcare Specialist


The chemistry units allowed me to expand my laboratory skills as well as practical skills which are both vital in becoming a successful health care specialist. Within this it included a physics unit ‘working with waves’ this would intrigue me as this relates with radiology and the studies of how it can treat cancer and tumours. Physics would further my knowledge allowing me to improve logical judgements and improving my problem solving skill. Alongside my applied science course I have also studied Business extended certificate as well as doing a business diploma course. This has helped me improve me as a person and professionally as I have gained a lot of knowledge on how to clearly communicate with people as well as negotiation skills. In April we were set a task which was to create a school party which would need to allow a maximum of 180 students whilst doing this we were set in to groups each with one leader I was the leader of my group and helped plan out the event – this provided me with an opportunity to improve my analytical skills. Overtime when doing this I improved my leadership skills and excelled at project management and planning as the party was successful and was done to the best standard within a deadline. Continuing with my communication skills I’m trilingual being able to speak English, Urdu and Hindi this would allow me to communicate with different people from different backgrounds.

To show my passion & interest in being a health care specialist I done work experience at a GP, requiring me to Observe the Gp whilst consulting patients, doing paperwork and implementing my advanced IT skills whilst working there. Sadly, my grandmother lost her battle against cancer a couple years ago; through my time of caring for her it helped me acknowledge what people with health issues go through and knew something had to be done. This significantly motivated me to become a healthcare specialist and knew it was important that this becomes a part of my professional life. In conclusion, if given the opportunity I can thrive in to a successful student who would transcend in an important role of being healthcare specialist career. .Motivation To Become A Healthcare Specialist