Quality & Safety Issue Assignment Essay

Nursing quality is controlled by National center for over more than 100 years. America nursing association (ANA) is continuously working to improve the standard and quality of nursing in United States. National center and American nursing associations are inter-correlated with each other (www.nursingworld.org). The National center which measures the quality control of nursing was established in 1998, it advocates the nurses regarding quality and safety of patients. The centre is responsible to tackle the association between outcome of patient care and nursing staff. People opt nursing as a profession, in order to relief the patient through their professional tactics. The National centre is doing a tremendous job in enhancing the quality and safety of patients, but still there are critical nursing issues in United States which needs to be addressed.Quality & Safety Issue Assignment Essay


Quality and safety issue

I have identified, that there is a shortage of professional nurses in United States which leads to many quality and safety issues. There is a severe shortage of nurses in United States, due to which nurses are imported from foreign countries in order to diminish the demand of nurses in United States. The nurses who are imported are highly professional but they lacks in communication. Foreign nurses some time does not understand the problem of the patients which leads to health and safety issues. There are different elements due to which there is shortage of nurses, the elements includes; low salary, lack of encouragement and respect and poor management (See appendices).Quality & Safety Issue Assignment Essay


Summary of the impact

Shortage of nurse is negatively associated with increased health and safety issues. The nursing professionals believe that they are not respected and they are bombarded with high workload (Weisman, 2007, pp 448-452). Nurses play a vital role in patient recovery; they facilitate doctors during the treatment. A small mishap from nurse side can lead to disastrous situation. This leads to health and safety issues, nurses does not facilitate the patient at its optimal level. This is the chief reason of the shortage of nurses in United States. In order to fulfill this shortage, United States government is hiring nurses outside the national boundary. The nurses who are hired from International market lacks in communication, tough they are well trained. This lead to enormous problem, the nurses does not understand the patient. The nurses give wrong dose to the patients, just due to communication gap. This is regarded as one of the biggest quality and safety issue. A slight change in prescription can create fatal consequences. This is my professional experience, foreign nurses most of the times do not understand the problem effectively. The patients are continuously complaining that they are not getting the desired level of treatment and care.Quality & Safety Issue Assignment Essay