Communication And Significance Example

Effective communication plays an important role in all perspectives of life. While considering health care communication is considered very necessary in nursing. While considering the topic as the effects on college students health when they mix energy drinks with alcohol. It should be communicated effectively to the students and to persuade them about the dangers and disadvantages of doing this and educate them and their parents about the nuisance created by it. Efficient and effective communications in the healthcare settings is significant to both professional and personal healthcare outputs. These means helps the members of the healthcare institutions to achieve their objectives. This can be achieve only by establishing methods such as an effective leadership, effective goal clarification, appropriate behaviors and group norms, which facilitate the healthcare communications (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2002).Communication And Significance Example

Description of the audience

We are communicating with the college students as per the topic what are the effects of mixing alcohol in energy drinks. These students are more into this as they believe that it is a source of excitement for them and they feel more energetic by it. The environment for the consumption of alcohol by young adults has changed significantly over the last 20 years. Opportunities for drinking have increased and the products marketed have changed, with pricing and promotion often geared towards rapid consumption of cheap alcohol. Many of these students are unaware of the disadvantages of mixing alcohol with the energy drinks they must be made aware of it by providing the relevant information and educate them regarding it (2, 2002).


Alcohol consumption and misuse by young people has been a public health concern for decades. Among adolescents, we know a great deal about the various components that are necessary for effective prevention, including the risk and protective factors such as parental involvement and availability restraints. For young adults aged 18-25 years, most attention has focused on identifiable subpopulations and/or high-risk groups, typically college students. However, evidence suggests that risky drinking habits are also formed before university or college years, when peer influences in school settings are strong (2, 2002).Communication And Significance Example

Strategies Used

Although there are signs of leveling off, there remains a minority of young people drinking to excess. Nurse can provide health education such as “Alcohol: Know your limits” and government reports such as Safe, Sensible, and Social constitute alcohol consumption by young people in terms of risk and harm, to themselves and others. The Department of Health launched a new educational approach, the “Units” campaign.

This was developed in response to research that revealed that 77 per cent of participants did not know how many units of alcohol were mixed in the energy drinks as they already contain a minimum level of it. The campaign showed glasses of energy drinks line “Units – they all add up”, and the number of units contained in the drink presented on the glass.Communication And Significance Example