Psychiatric Interview Format Essay

Discussion: Interview Format

Despite what you may believe (or may have been told), there is no such thing as one “right” way to do an interview. In fact, there are numerous books written about the various ways of conducting the clinical interview. In actual clinical practice, you will find the format that “works” best for you and addresses your unique strengths and the needs of the client.Psychiatric Interview Format Essay

In this Discussion, you will practice finding the interview format that works for you and share those ideas with your colleagues for feedback.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Develop formats for initial interviews of mental health clients

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the Learning Resources.
  • Develop an interview format you would use for an initial interview of a client.

By Day 3


  • Attach the interview format document you would use for an initial interview of a client.
  • Describe what interview format your preceptor uses for the initial interview of a client.Psychiatric Interview Format Essay
  • Describe which element of your interview format is most helpful in your practice.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues by constructively critiquing their interview format and providing feedback.

Interview Formats I Would Use For An Initial Interview Of A Client

            The formats used to conduct psychiatric interviews tend to differ from one clinical setting or clinician to another. Based on my clinical understanding and individual research, the interview format that I would use to conduct an interview contains three basic components namely: developing a rapport, asking for specific information such as the biophysical profile, chief complaint, and different histories and lastly the clinical impression and plan for treatment.

The introductory part is where the clinician takes time to establish a rapport with the client followed by a client’s presenting complaint. During this first part of the interview, the client should be left to tell his/her narrative without being interrupted. Alternatively as recommended by Silverman, et al. (2015), a clinician can also use open and close-ended questions to collect information from a client. In the second part, precise information that identifies the client such as the name, gender, date of birth, residence, occupation, ethnicity and informed consent are recorded. What follows is the chief complaint where open-ended questions should be asked by the clinician to document possible reasons that brought him to the clinic or for a referral.  In the history of presenting illness, a detailed explanation of the chief complaint and why a client presented for evaluation is included (American Psychiatric Association, 2016). In the psychiatric review of symptoms, symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, PTSD, OCD, sleep apnea or difficulties and impulsivity will be reviewed.Psychiatric Interview Format Essay


            What follows is the Psychiatric history where previous and present psychiatric diagnoses are noted. In the substance use history, a client’s history on the use of illicit drugs, taking alcohol and smoking tobacco are included alongside the abuse of any prescription drugs. In the medical history, the past and present medical illnesses, admissions, drug and food allergies, and surgical procedures are included Silverman, et al. (2015).In the family history, it will be important to know about the client’s family relationships and any positive histories of psychiatric illnesses. The personal socio-economic history should indicate the presence or absence of any psychosocial stressors, school life, occupational life, relationship with friends and colleagues and the level of support received from friends and family Silverman, et al. (2015).  In physical examination, the client’s physical appearance, nutritional status, speech, behavior, and attitude are noted. What follows is the mental status exam, where it is important to note the effect, mood, cognition, insight, judgment, and audio-visual hallucination should be explained.                    

            The Clinical Impression and the treatment plan are the last components. At this point, it would be necessary to ask the client if he/she has additional concerns before making recommendations for further management or initiating treatment. Despite the fact that the mentioned components of the interview are grouped separately in this case, they are often interlinked. For instance, a mental status observation can be done during the initial contact with the mental health practitioner (Lorettu, et al., 2017).   When presenting additional concerns, other clients can also include pertinent family and medical history at this point.

Interview Format Used By My Preceptor for the Initial Interview of A Client

The interviewing format used by my preceptor is however comprehensive and well-structured and has been regarded by most researchers and clinicians as the gold standard for diagnostic interviewing. The purpose of using such an interview format is to understand a client’s issues from a psychopathological perspective and influence clinical decision making in terms of making a diagnosis and treatment (Lorettu, et al., 2017). When it comes to assessing older adults who have some form of diminished capacity, my preceptor routinely obtains information from caregivers since some elderly patients are not reliable with the information they provide.

The element of My Interview Format That Is Most Helpful In My Practice

Based on my format for conducting an initial psychiatric interview,   the most essential element is that of developing a rapport with the client and listening to the client present his complaints in his own narrative uninterrupted. Employing empathetic listening techniques at this point demonstrates to the client that a mental health practitioner shares in his emotional, physical and social suffering (Lorettu, et al., 2017).  It also helps to get an empathetic understanding of how a client feels like a foundation for developing a good therapeutic relationship with the patient. When a mental health practitioner listens actively, appreciates the client for expressing his concerns and gives assurance, most clients are always satisfied and feel that they have been understood (American Psychiatric Association, 2016).  In this context, patient satisfaction is the basis of how treatment will progress and initiation of a long-term therapeutic alliance.            Psychiatric Interview Format Essay


American Psychiatric Association. (2016). Practice Guidelines for the Psychiatric Evaluation of adults.

Lorettu, L., Nivoli, G. C., Milia, P., Depalmas, C., Clerici, M., & Nivoli, A. M. A. (2017). Clinical interview in psychiatric difficult situations. Rivista di psichiatria52(4), 150-157.

Silverman, J. J., Galanter, M., Jackson-Triche, M., Jacobs, D. G., Lomax, J. W., Riba, M. B., & Yager, J. (2015). The American psychiatric association practice guidelines for the psychiatric evaluation of adults. American Journal of Psychiatry172(8), 798-802.Psychiatric Interview Format Essay