Primary Health Care in Action Essay

Diagnostic tests are vital to establishing the diagnosis of the 40-year-old female presenting with the vaginal discharge with a fishy smell. Besides, physical examination and brief history taking are important. Through history taking, the female patient may report other symptoms she feels and may include itchiness and discomfort. The patient can report any presence of pain when urinating or when having sex during the history taking (Hay, 2018).

Priorities of care will involve conducting a thorough sexual history, pelvic examination, performing diagnostic tests, and prescribing treatment with appropriate medication. Other significant test include Pap smear and a sample of the vaginal discharge for microscopy. Under a microscope, vaginal cells appear coated with bacteria. The pH of the discharge can be acidic. The results determine the course of treatment for the patient. The physical examination will reveal inflammation and is evident in the symptoms of the 40-year-old, which may include gray to yellowish-white discharge. The fishy smell is a characteristic odor of vaginal discharge due to bacterial vaginitis (Sandhya, 2016). Primary Health Care in Action Essay


The treatment of vaginitis will depend on the cause. The lab results may signify yeast infection or bacterial infection, causing the vaginitis. Based on the best evidence, metronidazole is administered orally thrice a day for one week and effectively treats bacterial vaginitis (Hay, 2018). Health education to the patient about the prevention of recurrence of the symptoms is vital. The patient will be advised to avoid feminine hygiene sprays and avoid douching but allow her vagina to cleanse itself naturally. Besides, the primary care provider will teach the patient not to use detergent or soap to clean the vulva to avoid altering the normal microorganisms in the vagina. Finally, advising the patient to go for a mammogram as assessment for breast cancer that is often prevalent with her age (Sandhya, 2016).


Hay, P. (2018). Prevalence of women presenting with vaginal discharge. Medicine46(6), 319-324.

Sandhya, S., & Devi, G. P. Diagnostic Role of Vaginal Ph. (2016).Wet Mount and Pap smear in Women with Vaginal Discharge Attending Gynecological OPD. Primary Health Care in Action Essay