A Nursing Care Program Initiative Essay Paper

Nursing/nursing practices and caring are intrinsically linked, which is why nursing and caring are conflated if one conducts a Google search for the definition of the concept “caring. Caring can be defined as a feeling of empathy or concern an individual exhibits for others, or the exhibition of compassion for another. As such, caring is a feeling that calls for immediate action upon those perceptions and feelings. One prominent theory of caring was proffered by Dr. Jean Watson, who postulated that there are three major facets that constitute carative elements in order to carry out nursing work. Developing and maintaining a trustworthy, authentic, and caring relationship in addition to being supportive of and present in both the negative and positive feelings within a nurse-patient relationship in which the patient is being cared for are of paramount importance. Through caring, nurses are obligated to forge this trustworthy and caring relationship with tehir patients, as nurses should be cognizant and self-aware of their own subjective, judgmental feelings that may impede him or her from doing the job in a competent and fair manner. Caring, from a nursing perspective, calls for a deep connection between the nurse’s own spiritual essence and the patient A Nursing Care Program Initiative Essay Paper.


Nurses have hitherto struggled with how the public perceives them as professional healthcare providers, especially because of how profoundly gender notions impacts perceptions of members of the nursing profession. As such, the nursing profession continues to struggle with the image of nurses as “angels” and compassionate women rather than promoting an image of nurses as competent medical professionals who have the knowledge and skills in  patient care to best serve the needs of the population at large. In order to understand the motivation of students to enter the nursing profession, it is imperative to fully comprehend the perceptions of the currency placed in nursing care within the medical profession today. Motives for pursuing a career in nursing are intrinsically linked to concepts about caring in addition to medical competency. Various reports cite survey methodologies and analysis, and the findings about student perceptions and motivations with regards to caring and competence in nursing spawn the germination of various themes within nursing practices.  Themes for motivation that are linked to nursing values include those pertaining to altruism in addition to the beliefs of students regarding goal attainment and self-efficacy. Autonomy is of paramount importance for practicing nurses with regards to their ability to make decisions about patient care despite idealistic perceptions about caring within the nursing profession. These trends have clear implications for curricular emphasis, what types of students are recruited, and areas for future research within the arena of patient care for nurses A Nursing Care Program Initiative Essay Paper.

Blum (2014) explores the notion of self-care within the nursing field, arguing that self-care is of paramount importance to maintaining personal health, professional growth, and persistent care for those who are dire need of it. Nurses and nursing students confront a litany of stressors that underscore the currency of self-care to promote health and combat stress in nursing environments. As such, it is important that nursing students to embrace the currency of self-care in order to adequately serve their patients. Indeed, care and self-care within nursing practices are bolstered by the principles of Adult Learning Theory. Self-care initiatives within nursing have developed immensely over time, and various challenges and lessons have emerged as a result of the inefficacy of certain initiatives. A Nursing Care Program Initiative Essay Paper