Adolescence, Family Centered Care And Pain Management

A child takes birth and grows up, he faces different challenges and opportunities in this world hence experience numerous things from this world. He/she realizes different things and their mentality develops depending on the environment he/she grows up. The best school of a child is his primary home or family/his parents. He learns a lot from his parents and then remaining learning is created through his environment, his peers, colleagues and friends. Adolescence is the age of a child between 13 and 19 (Psychology Today, 2012). This age of a child is considered to be the highly sensitive age because at this age both the genders are in need of accurate knowledge about the things whatever comes in their minds. Parents have to take great care at this aged child as it is the most sensitive age and their child needs them.Adolescence, Family Centered Care And Pain Management



Adolescence brings various changes in the body of the child physically as well as cognitively. It may be considered as changing of the child from childhood to the adulthood. Furthermore, physical and psychological changes start occurring at the earlier ages i.e. between 9 and 12 years. It is a transitional period which brings issues as a child wants his own self identity and independence. He/she wishes to experience the world and wishes to take risks. A recent study that was conducted to evaluate the behaviors of teens showed that those adolescents that are responsible for engaging in high-risk activities are observed to possess fontal white matter tracts which can be commonly found in adults in that specific form, compared to other adolescents who engage in ‘safe’ activities. It is a well known fact that it takes the human brain all the years of adolescence well into the mid-twenties to become fully mature.Adolescence, Family Centered Care And Pain Management

Adolescence in family centred care

A child at the time of his birth is in need of great care from the environment. It may either get hurt or may suffer from any disease right at the time of his birth. As he grows old, he starts thinking and exploring new environment and his mental development begins to expand. In the initial years he is not concerned with his requirements except hunger. Everything is already provided by his parents and he is centrally cared by his family. As he grows old and comes to the age of adolescence, he is in need of great care from his family as he is striving for adult knowledge and his beliefs are becoming strong. He has the knowledge of the world and different diseases, he knows somehow about good and bad things/habits. I would suggest family centred care is the best approach to cater the needs of adolescents (New Born to Adolescents, 2008). Adolescence, Family Centered Care And Pain Management