Advancing The Goals Of IOM Report Discussion Paper


Nursing is a broader field incorporating various facets such as the counteractive nature of diseases and the executives of treatment to promote healthy lifestyles. It is thus imperative for every nurse to ensure adherence to the bioethical principles which guide the provision of quality and acceptable healthcare. Nursing comes hand in hand with medical dilemmas, which various prompt challenges; nevertheless, the challenges should be handled to warrant that medical personnel takes on administration by coming up with inventive redesigns in social insurance. The future of nursing is dependent on nursing education improvement, taking up leadership positions, and workforce planning. Thus, BSN nurses encounter enhanced outcomes and advanced capabilities in nursing practice driven by enhanced communication skills, leadership, evolution, and research Advancing The Goals Of IOM Report Discussion Paper.


Moreover, a 2-year program by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) in 2008 to develop a report that could be evaluated, and proposals for nursing improvement were started. The IOM report is significant in nursing and is partitioned into three critical viewpoints that include preparing, redundancy, and administration; an additional important view is to collect comprehensive data on the medical services industry to divide the data and design elemental changes to the social insurance industry and the human services-personals vocation. The work of the Robert Wood Foundation Committee Initiative, which resulted in the IOM report “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” is evaluated in this paper.

The work of the Robert Wood Foundation Committee Initiative that led to the IOM report

The Robert Wood Foundation Committee Initiative resulted in the IOM report performing several tasks. First, it sparked a desire for better medical facilities. According to Palatnik (2016), the board envisions a strategy that regards quality considerations available to every US resident in the future, consistently advances health and disease counteractive action points, constantly enhances health outcomes, and provides caring reviews over critical considerations, life expectancy, and counteractive action are the prime engineers of the medicinal services plan in the prospective future, coordination, Inter-professional, and joint efforts are the standards. Besides, payment for human services management rewards appreciation rather than the number of organizations, and quality concern is provided at a reasonable cost to individuals and society. Resultantly, the developmental rate of social insurance depletions slows down. Consequently, the social insurance plan consistently demonstrates that it is accessible to a person’s needs and aspirations by delivering extremely tolerant focused collaborations in each of these sectors Advancing The Goals Of IOM Report Discussion Paper.

The four “Key Messages” structure the IOM Report recommendations and their impacts on nursing practice, nursing education and training, nursing leadership, and nursing workforce development

The IOM report was organized around four key messages. The first one was the enhancement of nursing education. That would be achieved through the provisionThe Role Of Clinical Supervision In Supporting Safe And Effective Mental Health Care of nursing study materials, professional educators would be appointed, and the nursing education fees would be standardized. That would have an impact on nursing training and nursing education programs.

The second message of the IOM report was making sure nurses could use their full training and education capability. Nurses, for instance, should be allowed to perform activities on patients rather than being limited to minor tasks such as medication administration. That will give nurses more confidence in their practice. Moreover, the report indicates that nurses should be granted leadership chances and opportunities to be regarded as full stakeholders in healthcare reforms. Lastly, the IOM report denoted the enhancement of data gathering for policymaking and workforce planning activities. That message changed the way nursing workforce development was done. For instance, the policy’s creation guaranteed that every nurse and institution followed a rule beneficial to both parties. Thus, workforce planning would ensure that every nurse works efficiently.

The Role of State-based Action Coalitions in Advancing the Goals of IOM Report

The state-based action coalitions played a significant role in advancing the goals set-out in the IOM report. That is because it incorporates collaborators from various states aiming at ensuring every nurse provides the highest quality healthcare and employs all their expertise during practice (Hassmiller & Reinhard, 2019)Advancing The Goals Of IOM Report Discussion Paper. According to Pittman et al. (2015), the concrete form of the coalition is characterized by individuals from various national organizations and states intending to maintain advancements in the health system. Besides, the IOM approvals were to be carried out following the unique needs of each state and have a long-term sustainable transformation at the regional, state, and local levels.

Additionally, to achieve their goal, the campaign used a variety of approaches. For starters, it promoted and enhanced innovative changes in the nursing education system. Second, it aided nursing leadership in a healthcare setting. Third, it removed every impediment to patients’ care and treatment. Also, it promoted and encouraged collaborations and teamwork with other professional sectors within the healthcare setting. The campaign also announced cultural diversity among nursing professionals. Lastly, it advocated for workforce development.

New Mexico Action Planning and its Initiative

New Mexico intends to implement numerous changes. Among them are a curriculum change and a rural nursing residency program. Education is critical to ensuring that qualified and well-equipped nurses are incorporated into the health system. Against this backdrop, the New Mexico nursing education consortium was created and responsible for developing a statewide nursing curriculum. Besides, there will be more collaboration between universities and community colleges when a similar curriculum is in place, which stands a chance to benefit from enhanced technological sharing.

Furthermore, the improvement of nursing competencies among nurses is the goal of the rural nursing residency program in rural areas. As a result, nurses in rural areas are better prepared to transition from education to practice due to the residency program. Besides, it aims to ensure every nurse in the rural setup gets to work in a rural hospital resulting in enhanced accessibility of healthcare services.

Barriers to the Advancements Currently Existing in the state and how Nursing Advocates Cope with them

Numerous issues that impact nursing provision in the state of New Mexico exists. Firstly, low wages across the state are a barrier. It negatively impacts nurses’ morale, who stay on duty for long hours. In turn, the quality of service provided to patients is poor. In addition, the nursing staff proportion has reduced since they seek better pay and working conditions from other states. Secondly, as Blevins (2018) noted, there is a shortage of nursing faculty orchestrated by the inability of qualified nurses to get fast admission to commence their practice and provide the much-required healthcare services.

Nevertheless, lobby groups seek better working conditions and wages and ease of entry into the nursing faculties. For example, they advocate that every nurse be assigned to a specific job grade and that nurses working at a community faculty earn similar wages as those at a public faculty Advancing The Goals Of IOM Report Discussion Paper.



The IOM and RWJF incorporation and recommendations for the advancement and transformation of the country’s human services in the industry via the nursing project assume a crucial role since the nursing profession impacts various facets of the social insurance framework. Furthermore, it has several challenges. The Future of Nursing Campaign for Action and the critical facets of the state-based coalition is a collaborative exertion to implement the proposals provided by the IOM and to enhance and structure to enhance the quality and strategy through which medical services are provided universally Advancing The Goals Of IOM Report Discussion Paper