Alternative Medicine Assignment Paper

The essay is aimed at providing the quick and short responses on various topics discussed in the Assessment 1 for the course. This essay provides information on the importance of the environment and diversity concepts in the organizational arena and its link with and implications on the culture of an organization. The content of the essay is strived to be supported by the credible sources and the recommended readings.Alternative Medicine Assignment Paper


Elements of the General Environment

The constant shifts in the environment affect the companies and their operations which require companies to develop the strategic capabilities that would enable the organization to advantageously compete with the far reaching changes that might emanate from the environment (Schermerhorn et. al., 2011, p. 32). An organization is exposed to the general environment that is comprised of both the general environment and the competitive environment. The competitive environment is described as the markets and the industry in which the organization will compete. However, the general environment of an organization has referred to as the macro environment due to the fact that the changes occurring in this environment have an effect transcending to the specific industries and the firms (Schoemaker, 1995, p. 38).


The general environment might be composed of the non-specific elements of the surroundings of an organization that could affect its business activities. The major element of this environment of an organization could be outlined as the political-legal, economic, socio-cultural, natural environment and the technological factors that directly or indirectly affect the performance and strategic sustainability of an organization. The affects of these elements on an organization could be broad and gradual (Griffin, 1993, p. n.d.).Alternative Medicine Assignment Paper

The Most Challenging Element

Every element of the general environment is critical to the success or failure of an organization, and the two could affect each other in several layers. The economic forces of the general environment might cause the trouble or challenges to the organization by the change in the interest rates, the level of inflation in the country, the trend of economic growth and the unemployment condition of the country. All these factors combined might increase the cost of doing business in the unique environment and might cause the firm to squeeze its profit margins (Robbins & Coulter, 2005, p. 44).

The contemporary examples of the economic crisis are evident of the fact that the quick and dramatic changes in the economic conditions might hurt the sustainability and the managerial decisions of the organizations on a global scale. As the general environment and its elements combine and interlink the business atmosphere at the global level, the economic downturn in one part of the country might hurt the business activities of the businesses operating in the rest of the parts of the world (Schermerhorn et. al., 2011, p. 32). Alternative Medicine Assignment Paper