Analyzing Strategy Implementation Discussion Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to analyse the current strategy of Sheikh Shakhbout Hospital which is in partnership with the Mayo Clinic Hospital of Abu Dhabi. The mission of this hospital is to transform the healthcare services that exceed the expectations of its consumers and produce loyalty in the emirates and beyond. The McKinsey 7s model has been chosen and it is going to be introduced as well as critiqued first. Application of this model to the organisation will help to understand the current approach to implementing strategy in this hospital. It will shed light on the approaches of this hospital to satisfy its consumers. On the other hand, this study is going to apply SWOt analysis as a Gap analysis methodology in order to confirm the areas of strategic monitoring. Ultimately the last point of this report will include the key issues found in the strategy implementation in this selected hospital and proposed recommendations with evidence Analyzing Strategy Implementation Discussion Paper.


The current approach of the Sheikh Shakhbout Hospital regarding strategy implementation is discussed through the help of the McKinsey 7s model. Robert Waterman and Tom Peters founded this model in 1970. This model identifies seven essential internal elements of a firm, which need to be aligned for achieving success (Cox et al. 2018). These elements are categorised into hard and soft elements. These are shared values, strategy, skills, systems, staff, style and structure. [Referred to Appendix 1]

There are different criticisms of this model that include analysis through the help of this model sometimes lack factual backing (Bismark et al. 2018). Moreover, Chmielewska et al. (2022) consider it as a stagnant framework especially in the short term, as the results obtained cannot be analysed soon.  Another main criticism is its inability to concentrate on external factors as it only focuses on internal factors of an organisation.

In the following points, this model will be applied to the selected organisation,

  • Strategy

Sheikh Shakhbout Hospital has formed partnerships with different organisations to improve its efficiency to provide high-quality care. For achieving the vision of providing high-quality world-class care to the citizens of Abu Dhabi, it has integrated artificial intelligence and IT with its operation (, 2020). This strategy has helped to improve access to healthcare, achieving positive results and cutting down waiting time for appointments. The partnership with Mayo clinic has helped this hospital to improve its efficiency to address complex illnesses through investing in the latest technologies and treatments. However, this has increased the treatment cost of patients and this strategy is not suitable for different sections of society Analyzing Strategy Implementation Discussion Paper.

  • Structure

The structure of this organisation has been designed by focusing on the consumers. The topmost priority of this hospital is its consumers and their needs which is helping them to excel (, 2022). This company is following a hierarchical structure where the CEO is in the highest position. Strong leadership of this organisation is helping them coordinate tasks, material resources and human resources. However, this system may create communication barriers and centralisation of power.

  • Systems

Evaluation Of The Current Strategy

Internal processes such as risk management, data visualisation and communication system are quite improved in this healthcare organisation. They have operating rooms that are auto controlled and have audiovisual communication systems (, 2022)Analyzing Strategy Implementation Discussion Paper. However, it is essential to improve the access of clients to websites and applications for improving communication. This is essential for better relationship management.

  • Staff

The human resource director of this organisation is experienced and able to manage human resources effectively which is helping them to perform as a leadership team member. At present, this hospital has 2240 caregivers and approximately 60% of its staff are able to speak Arabic (, 2022). Almost 30% of physicians are Emirati and more than 90% of the physicians are trained as well as experienced. Due to these aspects, it is able to offer and provide culturally safe and competent care to all the consumers.

  • Skills

This organisation provides the opportunity for continuous professional development to its people. As stated by Amos et al. (2020), effective training and development programs help to address skill gaps in human resources. The education shield design by this program is based on six domains such as patient-centricity, safety, effectiveness, timeliness, equity and efficiency.

  • Style

The leadership of this hospital is efficient and guides the workforce in a proper way for achieving growth and development. Perez (2021) mentioned that a proper leadership style helps to build an effective culture within an organisation that helps to improve service delivery. In this hospital, leadership is focused on building world-class healthcare for the people.

  • Shared values

The core values of this organisation include compassion, respect, integrity, excellence and innovation (, 2022). This organisation also believes in working together as a team to assist patients in healing.

The current strategy of this organisation can be evaluated with the help of a SWOT analysis. This model helps to find out the current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organisation. This model has been propounded by Albert Humphrey during the early 1970s. Using this model can help to assess different gaps in the strategies of an organisation.

There are different criticisms of this tool of gap analysis including it does not help to prioritise issues. Moreover, Benzaghta et al. (2021) said that this model does not have any provision to provide solutions or alternative strategies.

Applying SWOT to analyse gaps in the following points, [Referred to Appendix 2]

  • Strengths

This organisation has strong leadership and obedient staff who can help to address the weaknesses. Leaders are experienced and helpful staff to use their strengths to respond to the needs of consumers. As opined by Alloubani et al. (2019), effective leadership also helps to understand the changes in the market and helps to adapt to changes. This is the reason behind the investment of this company in technological advancements and partnerships Analyzing Strategy Implementation Discussion Paper.

  • Weaknesses

The hierarchical structure of this company may create communication barriers and centralisation of powers. For instance, lower-level staff may feel difficulties sharing their opinion due to less power within the organisation. As a result, teamwork can suffer.

High range services are making low-income people far away from the facilities offered by this organisation which is limiting their market occupancy. Besides, Poor communication and relationship management are also weaknesses. It may reduce the transparency of the business (Chauhan et al. 2020).

  • Opportunities

Identifying Areas For Strategic Monitoring

As this organisation is making effective partnerships and investing more on technological advancements, it can achieve business goals in minimal time in the future.

  • Threats

The main threat to this organisation is the emerging market competition. Metcalfe et al. (2018) have mentioned that needs, demands and expectations of healthcare consumers are changing with time. This company is continuously struggling to overcome this threat.

From the application of models, it was found that Sheikh Shakhbout Hospital has some issues that include an increase in treatment costs due to the adoption of advanced technologies.  It can be recommended that this hospital can bring forward more effective health packages that can enable clients from different levels to access healthcare at this organisation.  Vuong et al. (2018) mentioned that introducing health packages helps to reduce medical costs as clients did not have to pay different fees and charges for gaining treatment.

Ineffective communication and relationship management is another issue identified during strategy analysis. For mitigating this issue, it can be recommended that mobile applications n can be designed for better relationship management with customers. Edwards-Stewart et al. (2019) said that designing mobile applications helps medical clients to get better opportunities to schedule appointments and achieve telemedicine. This can also help obtain and manage patient data in an effective way Analyzing Strategy Implementation Discussion Paper.

The hierarchical structure is another issue that impacts communication with lower-level staff and teamwork. This issue can be mitigated through designing training and development for leaders and managers for improving communication with staff. Training helps leaders to choose the proper style and communicate effectively with subordinates (Luther et al. 2021). Thus, these recommendations can be applied to mitigate the strategic issues.



From the above discussion, it can be concluded that Sheikh Shakhbout Hospital has developed effective strategies to provide world-class patient-centred care. Mckinsey 7s model shows that internal strategies of this organisation are developed to achieve organisational objectives effectively.  However, different issues are identified that include gaps in client relationship management, ineffective communication with staff due to hierarchical structure and increased treatment costs due to advanced technologies. This can be mitigated through the help of introducing mobile and web applications for communication, designing training for leaders to improve their style and communication abilities and introducing health packages Analyzing Strategy Implementation Discussion Paper