Annual Problems Of Mental Health Paper

When the healthcare sector is facing challenges like antibiotic resistance and rise in complex medical conditions such as cancer and chronic illness, the issues like mental illness and addictions are still ignored. As a matter of fact, almost 20% of Canadians experiences problems of mental health and illness each year.Annual Problems Of Mental Health Paper

There are several healthcare facilities to support people with mental health issues. One such Health Service Provider (HSP) is Ray of Hope Inc. Ray of Hope Inc. has been catering to the people of Waterloo region since 1967 in the addictions and mental health programs sector. It provides care to people of all age groups and families or individuals to overcome their addiction, deal with issues like crime and housing.Annual Problems Of Mental Health Paper


Mission:The organization’s mission “is to demonstrate the love of Christ with those who are disadvantaged, marginalized, or troubled.”Vision:“People Investing in People -Inspiring Hope-Transforming Life.”Values:The values of Ray of Hope Inc. are based on an analogy between ‘The balm of Gilead’ and the services provided by organization; both of which serves as pain reliving medicament. It believes that the wounds on the outside are often apparent and can be treated with bandages and making stitches for deeper cuts. But the wounds on the inside needs more care and understanding because people have learned to live with them. As they try to cope up with situations like trauma, failing relationships, hardships, family support falling apart; people usually lean towards habits like consuming alcohol, using drugs and substance abuse.

Some are victims of war and taking refuge leaving their loved ones behind while others are too poor or suffer from mental sickness to support themselves. All of them has tremendous amount of pain in common and seek mental peace. This organization believes emotional wellness and reaches out to provide the appropriate care. Clients supported by Ray of Hope Inc.:Broadly speaking the organization aims to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support for their clients. The clients are following:· Youths addicted to drugs and substance abuse·Annual Problems Of Mental Health Paper

Youths who are unemployed·Young offenders Teenagers·Communities (People who are poor and looking for housing and food)·Refugees Apart from the above mentioned clients, the organization also reaches out to parents and guardians to make them aware of interactive parenting methods, making them aware about addictions and approaches to deal with addicted youths.) SectorMission, vision and values of the organisation (annual report)Clients this org supports.Healthcare services this organisation provide that are funded by the lhin.Accountibility to lhinList of 5 performance obligations to the lhin by this orgHowm much funding does this org receive from the lhin.Annual Problems Of Mental Health Paper