Assessing Health Programs And Community Partnerships


NRSG 4400 Unit 3 Assignment

Assessing Health Programs & Community Partnerships

Unit Outcomes:

  1. Assess how well interdisciplinary health programs and community partnerships are able to meet the health needs of the community, particularly for vulnerable populations.
  2. Promote social justice through advocating for more health resources for vulnerable populations.
  3. Create an evidence-based plan for a resource that could address the health needs for a vulnerable population Assessing Health Programs And Community Partnerships.


Assignment Description:

Although each specific selected population has unique risks for health disparities, often groups may present with similar risks. If you have chosen to work with a group (decided Week 6) then you can complete this assignment together, including resources for specific vulnerable populations within your group as well as the group’s shared identity. Otherwise, you will work individually to address the prompts below.

You will be assessing the coverage or interdisciplinary resources available for your population at the local, state, national, and international levels. You will also identify gaps in this system, as well as design a theoretical evidence-based resource that would meet your population’s needs.

Complete and submit the Health Programs & Community Partnerships Grid (link)

  • Health Programs & Community Partnerships (Recommended Week 8)

Analyze the effectiveness of current health systems and community partnerships (governmental & non-governmental agencies such as churches, schools, social workers, charities, etc.) in meeting this population’s needs (provide specific contact information).

  • Gaps in the System (Recommended Week 9)
    • What gaps still remain in meeting the needs of your population?
      • Gaps within local coverage (include regional/(inter)national groups not accessible in-person locally)
      • Gaps within state coverage (include (inter)national groups not accessible in-person regionally)
      • Are certain individuals within the population excluded or unable to access services based on age, socioeconomic status, religion, geography, etc.?
      • Who can you contact about addressing any identified gap(s)? Provide an exact name and contact information (preferably email address).
    • If you could create an ideal organization to best meet your population’s needs, in which money and logistics were unlimited, what would this organization do to support/advocate for your population? How and where would individuals access this resource? Services provided for this population must be evidence-based to best meet their needs (include citations/references where applicable)Assessing Health Programs And Community Partnerships.

Assignment Directions:

  • This assignment can be completed individually or as a group (must be the group decided Week 6, that will work on upcoming vulnerable population assignments together as well)
  • In the provided document answer each prompt (omitted prompts must first be cleared through your professor). You do not need to submit anything on Week 8, but will submit the entire assignment at the end of Week 9.
  • Appropriate evidence-based sources for this project include textbooks, academic journals, and reputable websites (generally ending with .edu, .org, or .gov) and the majority of your sources must be <5 years old (cited/referenced using APA formatting)Assessing Health Programs And Community Partnerships.


You are encouraged to write and send advocacy letters to representatives, making them aware of gaps in the system and what you think they could possibly do to address these gaps. You can send the same letter to up to two representatives (1 point per representative contacted, up to two). See the Extra Engagement Opportunities section for more details Assessing Health Programs And Community Partnerships