Augustine Medical Case Example Paper


Augustine Medical has developed the new product for treating post-operative hypothermia in patients. This product is known as the Bair Hugger Patient Warming System. It consists of a heating unit that is stand alone which is supported by the disposable blankets for the patients’ bodies. The system is very effective and has been developed as the premier product of the company. Therefore, the company wants to price the product correctly so as to achieve profitability for the business through the competitive product. However, there are also other competitors in the market with their comparable competing products (Kerin & Peterson, 2011).Augustine Medical Case Example Paper

Prevailing technologies and products

Currently, there are a number of prevailing technologies and products in the market for treating the post-operative hypothermia in patients. These technologies range from external heating systems to internal systems. The external systems are of numerous types. These are mostly used for surface warming. These mostly include the water-circulating blankets which have their own disadvantages of giving burns and other problems. Air circulating blankets and mattresses are also used but these are not very effective. Then, there are also the thermal drapes on the market which provide the head cover, the leggings, and other drapes that cover about 60% of the patient’s body. However, these only provide insulation and are not very effective in heating the patients. Next, infrared heating lamps are also used for children but these have the problem of heating up the entire room which is disliked by the nurses. In addition, partial warm water immersion has also been used in the hospitals but it is too cumbersome and costlier. Finally, the last resort could be increasing the room temperature which is again not very feasible.


On the other hand, the internal heating technologies include the heated and humified air which can only be used with intubated patients. Warmed intravenous fluids are also very useful but these can only be used for severe cases. Finally, drug therapy is provided by the physicians. This only gives comfort to the patients without actually providing the necessary heating.Augustine Medical Case Example Paper

Likewise, there are other products on the market. These products include the warmed hospital blankets which are the traditional method for heating. Next, there are also other products including water-circulating blankets. There are also multiple types of reflective thermal drapes that are available in the market. And, finally, there are the air circulating mattresses and blankets similar to the Bair Hugger Patient Warming System.

Market potential for the product

The market potential for the product is largely determined by the demand for the product in the market. In addition, the marketing strategy for the product will also determine its market potential. However, it has been found that there is huge market potential for the product. It is expected that the hospitals with more than 7 post-operative recovery beds will be receptive to the product. In addition, the response by the nurses and the physicians is also very strong.Augustine Medical Case Example Paper