Automatic Rotating Pronation Beds Discussion Paper


In this paper, the therapeutic modality I will be discussing is automatic rotating pronation beds. Health innovations that have an impact on patient care are critical. Automatic rotating pronation beds necessitate specialized training in addition to regular nursing education. They work with cutting-edge technology and are used in patients with life-threatening illnesses. Integrating technology into structures and strategies to solve healthcare problems and improve patient care delivery remains critical for hospitals. Healthcare technologies and therapeutic modalities are crucial in providing high-quality care. Advances in clinical equipment, such as Automatic Rotating Pronation Beds, are at the forefront of medical innovation. Immobile and severely ill patients benefit from automatic rotating pronation beds. It delivers gentle, gradual kinetic therapy that allows patients to rotate from side to side. According to St John (2021), this bed helps deal with sick individuals who cannot move around readily. Effective adoption of this modality necessitates training in its use. Background, hazards, the responsibilities and duties of the interdisciplinary team, patient education, and nursing scope of practice are all important considerations that need to be carefully considered Automatic Rotating Pronation Beds Discussion Paper.


Explanation and background

Kinetic treatment is used in automatic rotation pronation beds to provide realistic strategies for boosting oxygenation to critically ill clients. Patients with respiratory distress illness are the focus of this approach. Acute respiratory distress syndrome has several underlying diseases and techniques that are important to consider (Koulouras et al., 2016). In hospitals, this healthcare gadget improves the quality of care. It also helps those who have had a severe lung injury. The automatic rotation pronation beds modality provides prone therapy services by handling acute respiratory distress syndrome clients. Beds play a vital role improve patient safety and making it easier for critically ill patients to get care. However, acquiring and operating this therapy technique is costly.

Risks and benefits

Automatic rotating pronation beds increase oxygenation and offer prone therapy services to critically ill patients. This helps to minimize the time taken in the intensive care unit and on ventilation (Nalawansha & Crews 2020)Automatic Rotating Pronation Beds Discussion Paper. The therapeutic modality also offers lung protection ventilation through reducing ventilator-associated inflammation and lung injury. The automatic rotation pronation beds use to ensure lung protection by heart compression. This bed also provides effective therapy services which facilitate pulmonary secretions and drainage. This modality promotes increasing outcomes by promoting healthcare provider risk management issues. Automatic rotating pronation beds promote patient safety because of the aided mobility in the extreme care unit. According to Koulouras et al. (2016), controlling the therapy system automatically and tube management intervention also contribute to patient safety, which is vital in healthcare. Mortality cases are reduced through the performance of therapies necessitated by this therapeutic modality. On the other hand, the automatic rotating pronation beds pose different challenges. For instance, this modality may increase the chances of cardiovascular arrest and collapse. However, this risk can be reduced by using appropriate automatic rotating pronation beds.

Roles and responsibilities of the interdisciplinary team

Clinical nurse specialists, case directors and managers, assistive employees, researchers, and respiratory therapists are among the components of an interdisciplinary team that cares for patients. These team members have different roles centered on delivering quality care to patients in healthcare facilities. Case managers and leaders provide administration guidance for the smooth running of the healthcare organization (Kelly et al., 2019)Automatic Rotating Pronation Beds Discussion Paper. Researchers ensure that the automatic rotating pronation beds and other therapeutic modalities have the appropriate measures and the right design. Clinical nurse specialists are tasked with helping critically ill patients to adapt and use the inclined therapy. On the other hand, assistive personnel assists the case managers in administration roles and effective running of the facility. Nurses who are critical personnel in healthcare administer drugs, change beddings, offer counseling services, among other services. Nurses are vital in promoting quality care and safety to patients.

Nursing scope of practice

Automatic rotating pronation beds modality require to be operated by Registered nurses who have the knowledge, are trained, and possess skills and attitudes to use it. Quality health care is dependent on caregiver skills, knowledge, and attitude in the execution of their duties (Williams et al., 2017). Therefore, nurses should understand how the therapeutic modality works, its risks, complications, and benefits. Communication skills, critical thinking, cultural awareness skills, and professionalism are vital aspects that every nurse should possess. These skills are significant in the healthcare setting as they determine the nature of care a patient receives. Critically ill patients who require therapy should be handled with care, and lacking such skills compromises the health care quality to patients. Nursing values and practical attributes such as altruism, integrity, and human dignity are paramount in nursing practice (Sherman, 2016)Automatic Rotating Pronation Beds Discussion Paper. The nursing career is a profession of caring, and nurses should give utmost care and attention to all patients with an intent to protect life at all costs.

Patient Education

Clients and their families must be informed about the automatic rotating pronation beds and when they will be used on them. This would allow nurses to share their working tactics, the dangers and issues related to the modality, and the benefits gained from its use (Sherman, 2016). Before starting therapy, this information might be discussed with the patient and his family. Patients and the community can learn about the facility’s automatic rotating pronation beds and other therapy modalities through printed brochures, hospital websites, and social media. Surveys, observation tactics, and interviews can be used to analyze and evaluate how patients and communities are informed about the therapeutic modality. Clients’ and their families’ awareness of the modality is measured through evaluations and surveys.



In conclusion, the background and explanation of automatic rotating pronation beds, benefits, risks, responsibilities, and the role of the interdisciplinary team are all important considerations that should be carefully considered. In addition, the nursing scope of practice, interdisciplinary roles, and patient education are vital in this case. In order to help immobile critically ill patients, automatic rotating pronation beds are essential. This treatment focuses on patients who have been diagnosed with respiratory distress syndrome. These beds improve patient safety and make critical care more accessible to critically sick patients. The automatic rotating pronation bed provides effective therapy services that aid in the drainage of pulmonary secretions. It also promotes better outcomes by emphasizing risk management issues among healthcare providers. It is, however, a costly venture for hospitals to obtain. Nurses should be taught how to use the modality to provide appropriate and high-quality treatment to their patients. In order to achieve favorable outcomes in the application of this modality, nurses must possess personal traits such as honesty, human dignity, and a positive attitude. When this method is introduced, patients should be notified. Benefits, problems, and working tactics should all be presented effectively. Automatic Rotating Pronation Beds Discussion Paper