Bio Statistics Research Nursing

Response: Katie

The discussion post explores the roles, effects and barriers of APN within emergency care. Towards this end, the author identifies a qualitative research article that explores the same topic based on a primary research study. The research was conducted in the UK with eight nurse participants. Bio Statistics Research Nursing The discussion post highlights the literature limitations on research to identify what motivates nurses as a key point mentioned in the article. In addition, the research methodology is evaluated, noting the inclusion criteria as conditions that help in accessing the population of interest as the desired participants and reducing the possibility of bias.


Besides that, the discussion post explores the data analysis approaches and their appropriateness. The post concludes with the acknowledgement that the article provides the base of common themes for the CLR. Still, there is a need to mention some of the roles, effects and barriers identified in the article and presented as themes. There is a need to mention that the roles of APN have developed in response to the rising demands of health care, and combating nurse personnel shortfalls. Also, there is a need to mentions that the roles of APN have been accepted by doctors, but not well understood by other medical personnel. Besides that, there is a need to discuss how education acts as a barrier and the lack of financial remuneration confounding the effect (Lloyd-Rees, 2016). Additionally, there is a need to identify the limitations of the study presented in the article, especially with regards to the results generalizability. The study was conducted in the UK with nine participants, and this acts as a limitation for the results generalizability since there is a possibility of some important themes being overlooked (Fawcett, 2016). Overall, the discussion post has been well presented although it could improve if the suggestions made are incorporated.


Fawcett, J. (2016). Applying Conceptual Models of Nursing: Quality Improvement, Research, and Practice. Springer Publishing Company.

Lloyd-Rees, J. (2016). How emergency nurse practitioners view their role within the emergency department: A qualitative study. International Emergency Nursing, 24, 46-53.

Bio Statistics Research Nursing