Capstone Project Change Proposal Presentation Feedback Paper

Based on my instructor’s comments, I revised my presentation to describe how the project would be disseminated via social media, how the content would be generated, and who would be accountable before delivering the presentation. My preceptor and I also spoke about the feedback remarks Capstone Project Change Proposal Presentation Feedback Paper.

My proposal for a capstone project change was delivered through Zoom to my preceptor and education coordinator. The presentation started with a brief overview of the issue, which established the context and importance of the change proposal. The goal was to come up with evidence-based practices to help prevent the Covid-19 pandemic. All s Stakeholders are expected to endorse and adopt evidence-based approaches. I explained the major intervention, which is practicing hand hygiene to combat Covid-19 disease, during the presentation. A detailed description of the intervention (hand hygiene) was provided. After that, I went through the evidence-based literature that underpins the intervention as well as the expected outcomes. In the end, I inquired whether there were any questions regarding the topic presented. Nobody had any questions. I inquired as to whether the instructor believed the change proposal had sufficient potential to be approved. She believed it had a very high possibility of being approved. She does have a copy of the proposal and will give it to the board of directors in the next session Capstone Project Change Proposal Presentation Feedback Paper.


The education director and the preceptor and both offered me outstanding recommendations. Both came to an agreement that the PowerPoint presentation was very captivating. They also noted that the major point was pinpointed well enough and supported by facts through the local health ranking system. They also responded by saying that the main point was shown by the fact that the Department of Health did not have a plan in place to handle this issue and that the return on investment was calculated using qualitative information collected before and after the implementation survey.

Review the feedback on the change proposal professional presentation and make required adjustments to the presentation. Present your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Be prepared to answer questions and accept feedback. After presenting your capstone project change proposal, write a 250-350 word summary of the presentation. Include a description of the changes that were suggested by your preceptor before your presentation and how you incorporated that feedback. Describe how this interprofessional collaboration improved the effectiveness of your presentation. Include a description of the feedback and questions from your audience after your presentation, and how this experience will affect your professional practice in the future.  Capstone Project Change Proposal Presentation Feedback Paper