Caring In Nursing, Nursing Standards Paper

Nursing standards and code of practice can be challenging to implement and follow, especially while exemplifying caring and respectful behaviours. In order to be a successful nurse, there are theories and standards that must be collaborated with caring critical thinking and incorporated into regular practice of professionalism of the nurse.Caring In Nursing, Nursing Standards Paper

Caring and Nursing

Caring within nursing directly relates to the act of nurturing as well as providing a helping and willing hand. Selfless acts of kindness must be offered frequently as a public service and little acknowledgement or credit should be expected in return. “Caring involves giving feelings, thoughts, skill and knowledge. It requires psychosocial energy, but little may be received in return” (Kozier et al., 2018). Clients and/or patients must be prioritized as the most important and their needs are crucial in order to provide safety and health wellness for the individual as well as their families. “Caring is said to be the essence of nursing. It includes assistive, supportive, and facilitative acts for individuals or groups” (Kozier et al., 2018).Caring In Nursing, Nursing Standards Paper


Caring practice is the main focus around multiple nursing theories and protocol. One example of a primary nursing theory regarding human care was developed by Jean Watson (1999), and was observed to be “the basis for nursing’s role in society; nursing’s contribution to society lies in its moral commitment to human care.” (Kozier et al., 2018). This nursing theory refers to health as “the unity and harmony within the mind, body, and soul. Human beings are physically confined in space and time, whereas the mind and soul are not” (Kozier et al., 2018). The nurse can provide many positive benefits to the client by being supportive and optimistic through the client’s journey, whether positive or negative experiences. If the nurse aids in providing a positive and supportive environment for the client, the signs and symptoms of the client’s illness will likely decrease, which correlates to an increase in the healing process. “Caring acts promote individual growth, preserve human dignity and worth, augment self-healing and comfort, and relieve distress. Such harmony within mind, body, and soul has the power to generate the self-healing process” (Kozier et al., 2018). There is a scope of practice that every nurse must follow; some nurses will adventure out of the boundary and go above and beyond with acts of kindness, “caring goes beyond the notion of curing at all costs” (Kozier et al., 2018, p. 383).Caring In Nursing, Nursing Standards Paper

Personal or close relations nursing is different from professional nursing. This is because the majority of the time, the client is someone the nurse has no relation to and there is a certain level of trust that must be developed before clinical care can be administered. “It is a privilege to work with people and we often see them when they are most vulnerable” (Scammell, 2015). This level of comfort is already developed with our relatives and we’re likely aware of their pain tolerance and medical history. This information must be inquired about clients and the client may require some time may to gain trust and adjust to the new environment. “Being in an unfamiliar setting can also trigger confusion, nervousness or anxiousness. Feelings of caring and warmth convey emotional closeness and genuine concern for the person” (Kozier et al., 2018).

It’s important to make the patient feel as comfortable and possible while refraining from any sort of judgement or discrimination. This is easily attainable when it’s our family but it’s possible to have prejudices or stereotypes for people or culture’s we’re not familiar with. Not only is this against nursing practice, it would also slow down the healing process. The nurse must administer care with an open mind and not associate negative feelings or emotions upon the client.Challenges to Caring There are many challenges to being a nurse but also many benefits and positive outcomes. In the Art of Nursing, written by Carolyn Cooper (2001), it is observed that there are some negative impacts associated with being a nurse. One of the negative impacts that a nurse may experience is forming attachments to a client and they heal and disappear, or their body may reject treatments and not properly heal, possibly leading to death which can be upsetting and negative emotions and feelings may reside. The job and goal of a nurse is to deliver clinical care and progressively work towards healing the patient. It must be kept in mind that the client is only in our care for a short amount of time. A nurse must deliver nurturing care without developing attachments. In the short time the client is cared for, it’s important to promote “patient satisfaction, well-being and healing” (American Nurses Association, 2015) for optimal health care delivery.Caring In Nursing, Nursing Standards Paper



In conclusion, in order to be successful and implement effective nursing practice and theory, the client must be the center of focus. Caring is the key concept and if this is put into regular routine practice, higher levels of health satisfaction are attained. In order to provide the most effective care, a nurse must be assistive and supportive while promoting individuality and growth. Theory, skill and knowledge must be put into regular practice among the diverse thoughts and feelings of clients. Identifying and attaining this balance while ensuring the client’s needs are the center of focus, will enhance overall quality of life of every patient. The knowledge and theory behind this will continue to become enhanced as more experience is gained and caring nursing practice is implemented.Caring In Nursing, Nursing Standards Paper