Case Study Analysis Of Neurological and Musculoskeletal Discussion

After evaluating the details given in the case study there is a high probability that the symptoms are associated with migraines. Migraine is a neurological illness that may cause a range of symptoms in individuals. Individuals with this condition frequently encounter problems such as extreme crippling headaches, sensations of tingling and numbness, articulation difficulties, intensified sound sensitivity, light sensitivity, vomiting, and nausea (Weatherspoon, 2017). Furthermore, there is commonly a trend of migraine headaches in the family after evaluation of family background with patients. Symptoms may last for days or hours, and pain that is experienced sometimes disrupts the day-to-day practices. Certain people state that they experience aura during or prior to the period of headache. The aura can result in blind spots, flashing lights, or even obstruction (Weatherspoon, 2017) Case Study Analysis Of Neurological and Musculoskeletal Discussion.


Racial/Ethnic Variables That May Impact Physiological Functioning

When looking at the population of people with migraine headaches, there are certain racial differences. In Caucasian women, the incidence of migraines is a little higher. The percentage of Caucasian women suffering from migraines is 20% while that of Asian Americans and African Americans is 9% and 16% respectively. Related phenomena have been found while examining males with migraines (Tao, 2017) where Caucasians account for 8% while Asian Americans and African Americans account for 4% and 7% respectively (Chawia, 2019) Case Study Analysis Of Neurological and Musculoskeletal Discussion. Studies have also demonstrated that the racial effects differ in regard to clinical manifestations. In African American people suffering from migraines, vomiting and nausea were less common, but the pain registered was significantly high (Tao, 2017). Nevertheless, African Americans experienced less weak points. In addition, studies have established that in people with migraines, socioeconomic aspects can be established. This is assumed to involve healthcare access, habits, and diets (Chawia, 2019). When examining racial disparities, in conjunction with socio-economic factors and genetic elements, it is considered that these elements directly affect the diagnosis of migraine headaches.

Process Interactions Impacting Patient

Migraine studies tend to leave numerous research gaps as to why patients suffering from migraines present symptoms that are so different. Alterations in brainstem connections involving the trigeminal nerve have been reported to be associated with migraine headaches. Further studies reveal that there is a link associated with brain chemical imbalance involving mostly calcitonin gene-related peptides and serotonin (Chawai, 2019) Case Study Analysis Of Neurological and Musculoskeletal Discussion.

Moreover, several elements can be linked to the occurrence of migraine headaches in a diverse patient population. One of the likely factors includes hormonal shifts in women with migraines (Weatherspoon, 2017). Fluctuations of levels of estrogen prior to or after menstruation, the beginning of menopause, and pregnancy have been found to cause migraines (Lagman-Bartolome & Lay, 2019). Another factor is hormone replacement therapy and the intake of contraceptive pills. They have been shown to exacerbate migraines and decrease the time between incidents. Higher stress levels, as well as the usage of alcohol and OTC medications, are also associated with migraines. Certain individuals may discover that sensory triggers may affect migraine incidents. Some of these include loud sounds, secondhand smoke, smells like perfume, sunlight, and bright light, which may cause migraines. Environmental elements like weather changes have been found to often be associated with migraine headaches, particularly that of elevated biometric pressure. Lastly, food additives including aspartame and monosodium glutamate are among factors that can trigger migraines (Weatherspoon, 2017) Case Study Analysis Of Neurological and Musculoskeletal Discussion.


Chawia, J. (2019, November 9). How does the prevalence of migraine headache vary by race? Latest Medical News, Clinical Trials, Guidelines – Today on Medscape.

Lagman-Bartolome, A. M., & Lay, C. (2019). Migraine in women. Neurologic Clinics37(4), 835-845.

Tao, F. (2017). Migraine Prevalence and its Differences among Races and Ethnicities in the United States (2010-2015) (Doctoral dissertation, UC Irvine).

Weatherspoon, D. (2017, December 20). Everything you want to know about migraine. Healthline.

Module 5 Assignment: Case Study Analysis An understanding of the neurological and musculoskeletal systems is a critically important component of disease and disorder diagnosis and treatment. This importance is magnified by the impact that that these two systems can have on each other. A variety of factors and circumstances affecting the emergence and severity of issues in one system can also have a role in the performance of the other. Effective analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond these systems and their mutual impact. For example, patient characteristics such as, racial and ethnic variables can play a role. Photo Credit: jijomathai – An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in neurological and musculoskeletal systems is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment. For APRNs this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans. In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health. To prepare:


By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study scenario for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor. Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis) In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following: • Both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms. • Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning. • How these processes interact to affect the patient. Group A case study Scenario 2: Patient is a 24-year-old female administrative assistant who comes to the emergency department with a chief complaint of severe right-sided headache. She states that this is the sixth time in the last 2 months she has had this headache. She says the headaches last 2–3 days and have impacted her ability to concentrate at work. She complains of nausea and has vomited three times in the last 3 hours. She states, “the light hurts my eyes.” She rates her pain as a 10/10 at this time. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen ease her symptoms somewhat but do not totally relieve them. No other current complaints Case Study Analysis Of Neurological and Musculoskeletal Discussion