Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Discussion Paper

Chronic high blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the most serious health problems that the world faces. High blood pressure is a silent killer that affects a variety of organs and systems throughout the human body. Hypertension has an impact on the cardiovascular system and may lead to a variety of other health problems, including strokes, cardiovascular disease, renal disease, and various fetal and chronic illnesses, among other problems. Hypertension affects over 1.13 billion individuals worldwide, a figure that is growing. It is estimated that over half a million people in the United States die annually as a direct result of high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2018)Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Discussion Paper.


Case Study

R.V is a 45-year-old Indian male who presents to the facility seeking to get a comprehensive physical examination conducted, and ask for a refill of his blood pressure medication. The patient also presents with a complaint of significant challenges in regulating his or her high blood pressure. The client did not provide any information on when his incapacity to appropriately regulate his Hypertension began. When the client and family health history are reviewed, it is discovered that the patient has had high blood pressure for nearly 10 years and that both of his parents are also living from high blood pressure. He states that he has financial difficulties in paying for his treatments and that he sometimes does not even have the financial means to go to the hospital. He is divorced, and he claims that his wife left him because of his financial difficulties. He has no children.

Prevalence of Hypertension among the Indian Male Population

Hypertension, which is the top cause of mortality in the United States, is specifically targeting and affecting the Indian community in America. A significant impact in the development of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and high blood pressure may be attributed to diet. The Indian population is 40 percent more prone than the general population to have high blood pressure when they consume unhealthy foods as opposed to consuming more vegan foods. Indian population is 60 percent higher high risk when compared to the local American population, which includes African American, Hispanic American, and non-Hispanic groups (Edelman &Kudzma, 2018)Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Discussion Paper. Stroke, cardiovascular disease, and even death are among the possible outcomes of high blood pressure.

Factors that Affect Health among the Indian Population

 Compared to black and Hispanic populations, the Indian population in America consumes far more food. Dairy products including milk, yogurt, and pure butter derived from whole milk are consumed in greater quantities by the Indian people, as well as salty snacks and curries. It is quite unusual to manage sodium consumption in a day-to-day diet in India since Indian families like eating large quantities of curries with various spices, which include a lot of salt in order to keep them fresh for a long time. When preparing everyday meals, choose a variety of pickles that contain a lot of salt. To keep their blood pressure under control, many young Indian men use blood pressure medicines like calcium channel blockers. As an example, many Indians in America are business owners, which allows them to work at their own speed and avoid undertaking more physically demanding jobs. Another factor that contributes to obesity and hypertension is a lack of regular exercise Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Discussion Paper.


They are highly traditional and continue to practice ancient medicine and meditate as they have done for centuries. Health problems are seen as the result of negative karma from the past, which may be resolved by giving prayers and requesting forgiveness from the gods.

Fever, flu, headache, and even stomach discomfort are among ailments for which Indian families pray to their deity for treatment. When compared to a direct approach, providing any necessary instruction via a religious platform may assist many individuals in complying without any reluctance (Swihart et al., 2018).

Socio-Economic Status

            The Indian population in the United States is composed mostly of middle-class individuals and families. Thousands of families live together in America because they came to the country united as one. One of the most important aspects of life for Indian males is living as a joint family. According to studies, Indians who reside and own their businesses are less prone to have healthcare insurance, since they believe in natural cures and care for a variety of illnesses. Numerous Indian families, regardless of the fact that they are middle-class, choose to use homeopathic medicine or therapy before turning to western medicine for any sickness (Edelman and Kudzma, 2018)Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Discussion Paper.

Poor Dietary Habits

Historically, the cuisine of Indians has been quite rich. Many Indian families continue to prepare their meals in the traditional manner at home and like the same Indian cuisine in restaurants. India’s cuisine is heavily based on animal products such as milk and other dairy products. In most people’s regular diet, they consume food that has been prepared with various spices and has a lot of salt. Many Indian men prefer to eat late in the evening and to consume a large amount of food at one sitting rather than having three to four little meals throughout the day. The overeating that many Indian men engage in throughout their daily lives (Green and colleagues, 2016) is yet another example of bad nutrition practices. With time, the consumption of dairy products may cause obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle can result in health problems such as hypertension high blood pressure.


 Additional factors affecting Indians’ health include smoking, which may lead to high blood pressure and other heart conditions. More than 11.3 percent of Indian males aged 40 and over have age-related high blood pressure. The effects of smoking and chewing tobacco on the body are comparable. Often, male individuals live in joint families and are required to serve as breadwinners for their families, which may result in distress and indulging in smoking as a way to unwind. Smoking has had a significant role in the development of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease in the Indian male population. Because of the nicotine in cigarettes, the heart is stimulated and the pulse is increased, which has an impact on the heart’s general function and raises blood pressure Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Discussion Paper.

Plan of Care

Medical professionals who serve an important function in managing pressure in Indian male individuals should be educated about and comprehend the cultural factors that influence their patients’ health. – Because Indian families adhere to much more religious and traditional techniques of therapy, physicians and registered nurses should pursue a comprehensive plan of care while treating high blood pressure in their patients. The moment when healthcare practitioners comprehend how health promotion might impact their spiritual needs without disputing the impacts of culture on day-to-day life, they will be able to give better treatment to their patients. Most Indians are deeply spiritual and choose to pray prior to delivering any new knowledge or ideas that might aid in the understanding of hypertension and its management. When delivering patient care, it is critical for healthcare professionals to establish positive relationships with their patients and with their colleagues.

A medical professional should give alternative treatment or any conventional therapy that may aid in the reduction of hypertension. For example, massage, acupuncture, or prayer, which includes mindfulness, can all aid in the reduction of hypertension if offered. As a clinician, you must always give and integrate alternative therapies in addition to hypertension medication therapy for the purpose of lowering high blood pressure levels. According to the findings of a study, simply providing alternative therapy does not lower high cholesterol; instead, antihypertensive medications must be used in conjunction with home remedies to achieve this result. It is possible to promote healthy dietary patterns among the Indian male population via teaching on quitting smoking, exercising regularly, limiting fatty foods, and consuming more nutritious alternative foods that are low in salt. Increased physical exercise, as suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, may assist reduce the risk of a variety of health-related problems, including cardiovascular events, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, among others. Those who are 40 years old and older may gain from daily walking, especially brisk walking and running, as well as from any activity that serves to improve muscle. It is important for providers to educate their clients on the necessity of including vegetables and fruit in their diets, as well as the need of limiting high-sodium diets (Tripathy et al. 2017)Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Discussion Paper.

Use of Mobile Apps in Healthcare Delivery

            Today’s society is referred to be a digital world, in which everything, including our health sector, is linked together through the internet. A smartphone is in the possession of every person, and all smartphones are able to hold all mobile applications that may be used to assist people in their healthcare. Medical professionals, including physicians and nurse practitioners, get significant advantages from mobile devices and apps. Through a mobile phone app, patients and their care professionals may stay connected at all times, particularly when scheduling appointments or receiving test findings. This increases access to patient care, which promotes improved clinical decision-making and patient outcomes, and reduces wait times (Edelman &Kudzma, 2018). Several smartphone applications assist patients in locating a near pharmacy that offers a lower cost of medication, as well as a diagnostic center and a lab.


Use of Telehealth in Care Delivery

            Telehealth has emerged as one of the most effective options for many patients and healthcare professionals in terms of receiving treatment. Patients may benefit from telehealth because it allows them to have greater connection and engagement with their clinicians in a convenient and time-efficient way. Since the COVID-19 epidemic began, telemedicine has emerged as a preferred mode of treatment for many doctors and patients. Telehealth allows providers to deliver healthcare to clients in distant areas at a reduced cost while maintaining the same level of efficacy (Edelman &Kudzma, 2018).


Conclusively, unhealthy eating habits, religious convictions, cultural traditions, spiritual resonance, and smoking are all factors that contribute to high blood pressure in Indian men over the age of 40. All of these variables have an impact on an individual’s general health, making it more difficult for any medical professional to effectively treat high blood pressure in those who are affected. Numerous healthcare professionals employ a comprehensive orientation to patient care in their daily practice. Patient education regarding healthy eating habits and including physical activity in their daily routines is critical, and clinicians perform a vital role in this Case Study and Care Plan Assignment Discussion Paper