Case Study Of Dementia Essay Example Paper

  1. Describe and discuss the unique pathophysiology of Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type.

The most prevalent cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease and it is the explanation behind over 60 percent of all incidents (Hammer & McPhee, 2019). It may begin with basic memory disorder, resulting in psychiatric symptoms, loss of social graces, retropulsion, apraxia, and spatial disorientation. neuritic plaques in the meningeal vessel walls and cerebral cortex are responsible for this condition (Hammer & McPhee, 2019). In the temporal and frontal lobes, the loss of neurons contributes to the incapacity to hold on to new information and remember past experiences. Nerve cells are intertwined and the brain has a massive accumulation of proteins. It has been found that a more advanced illness is likely for individuals with several years of study (Wattmo and Wallin, 2017) Case Study Of Dementia Essay Example Paper.


  1. If this patient is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia, describe and discuss with your colleagues a potential clinical course, and prognosis for her.

Alzheimer’s disease does not have a cure. Only short-term solutions are available. Cholinesterase inhibitors, like galantamine, rivastigmine, and donepezil, are the most recommended (Hammer & McPhee, 2019). These medicines trigger the brain to have higher acetylcholine levels and delay the disease progression. What can help slow down the illness or prevent any accidents from happening include developing daily schedules, making food easy to prepare, and adopting a workout schedule Case Study Of Dementia Essay Example Paper.

  1. Describe and discuss your plan of care for this patient with both short-term and long-term plans considering current social supports and health-care access.

The illness can render the patient terminally ill with time. This suggests that the patient will be incontinent, mute, and bedridden. The long-term goal will be to ensure access to certain health and social-related care. A plan for the future, including a nursing home or 24/7 care would need to be available. Having the same caregivers will be beneficial for the client to recall their assistance. Similar precautions like hiding chemicals, locking cabinets, and child locks that are used for children are a perfect way to begin protecting the home. It is worth remembering that the family can provide respite care often if they insist on in-home care and uses themselves as caregivers Case Study Of Dementia Essay Example Paper.


Campos-Puente, A. D. L. M., Avargues-Navarro, M. L., Borda-Mas, M., Sánchez-Martín, M., Aguilar-Parra, J. M., & Trigueros, R. (2019). Emotional exhaustion in housewives and alzheimer patients’ caregivers: Its effects on chronic diseases, somatic symptoms and social dysfunction. International journal of environmental research and public health16(18), 3250.

Hammer, G., McPhee, S. (2019) Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to Clinical Medicine (8th ed.). New York, McGraw – Hill Medical.

Wattmo, C., & Wallin, Å. K. (2017). Early-versus late-onset Alzheimer disease: long-term functional outcomes, nursing home placement, and risk factors for rate of progression. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra7(1), 172-187 Case Study Of Dementia Essay Example Paper


Marisol Arroyo, age 23 y.o., and unmarried, accompanies her mother, Julia, who is a 68 y.o., divorced Latina female, to her appointment with her primary care Nurse Practitioner. Both Marisol and her mother, who live together, have noted that her ever-present forgetfulness seems to be worsening. Just yesterday she walked to the corner store for a few items, which she obtained, but even though she had been to this store many times over the years, she found herself unable to get home without directions. Marisol also notes that her mother’s hygiene is changing, that she is becoming more and more quarrelsome, and that she forgets information she had been told as little as 10 minutes earlier. The Nurse Practitioner is attempting to rule out whether this patient may have some form of dementia or delirium. In this discussion: Describe and discuss the unique pathophysiology of Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type. If this patient is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia, describe and discuss with your colleagues a potential clinical course, and prognosis for her. Describe and discuss your plan of care for this patient with both short-term and long-term plans considering current social supports and health-care access Case Study Of Dementia Essay Example Paper