Child Abuse and Neglect Paper

  • Why is the treatment of sexual abuse different from that for neglect of physical abuse?
  • What are some issues to consider when treating an incestuous family?

Reasons the Treatment of Sexual Abuse Is Different From That for Physical Abuse or Neglect

According to the Child Abuse and Prevention Treatment Act, child neglect, maltreatment and abuse generally refer to an act by a caregiver which leads to serious emotional and physical harm, exploitation or even death.  Child neglect is a caregiver’s failure to meet a child’s basic needs such as shelter, food, clothing and medical care.  Physical Abuse is specifically described as intentionally injury of a child through either through biting, kicking, striking or beating (Van der Kolk, 2017). Lastly, sexual abuse is a form of persuasion or forcing a child to either imitate or engage in sexual acts.Child Abuse and Neglect Paper


            The treatment of neglect and physical abuse includes investigating the reports of abuse by state protection agencies, clinical management of psychological and physical injuries, family counseling and taking legal action against perpetrators. In other instances, either the child or the offender can be removed from a home. Most treatments are considered to be tertiary prevention measures since they only help to remedy any harm that may have been caused, to prevent similar future incidences and minimize the negative consequences of abuse, neglect or mistreatment and respective families (Van der Kolk, 2017).

The treatment of sexual abuse tends to differ from that for physical abuse and neglect since in most incidences which involve neglect or maltreatment of both girls and boys, the reports provided for both populations are of equivalent value. However, when it comes to sexual abuse, based on the fact that   boys are especially liable to be sexually abused outside their residential homes, they are more hesitant to report abuse and therefore, they often don’t receive the necessary treatment (Van der Kolk, 2017). Most girls are usually sexually abused by a close family friend or relative within their homes and most cases are usually reported. Therefore, they receive the much needed timely care and treatment.

Issues to Consider When Treating an Incestuous Family

Research has proven that clinicians today see the significance for systemic as compared to linear interventions when managing incestuous families. Healing environment characteristics when dealing with such populations include: support, openness, worthiness and honesty. It is worth noting that incestuous families are primarily characterized by isolation, deception, worthlessness and secrecy (Tesone, 2018).  During the early stages of treatment, most offenders within families are likely to protest the justice system in the society and can go to the extent of overreacting to their own behaviors. In most incidences, offenders can even believe that a child liked an act, did not object, was initially sexually active and did not in any way experience some form of harm (Tesone, 2018).

Therefore, one major issue to consider when managing an incestuous family is the existence of relationship imbalances within a family before the occurrence of incest. This is of significance since sexual abuse is a symptom which originates from a large issue within the family. It should also be considered that sexual abuse is a generational issue that has persistently existed in multiple generations (Tesone, 2018). This can be attributed to the fact that families in every generation have consistently failed to communicate in a manner that is functional and open. It is also undeniable that despite any form of dysfunction that may exist in a family, the imbalances created may result to some level of comfort for family members (Tesone, 2018).   Lastly, some offenders who can either be a spouse can rationalize that sexual abuse serves a specific purpose.Child Abuse and Neglect Paper


Tesone, J. E. (2018). Incest (s) and the negation of otherness. In On Incest (pp. 51-64). Routledge.

Van der Kolk, B. A. (2017). This issue: child abuse & victimization. Psychiatric Annals35(5), 374-378.

Every child is entitled to proper care irrespective of its gender, race or other differences. However, child abuse has remained a main subject of discussion because the number of neglected and abused children is increasing. Child abuse entails all aspects that involve physical and sexual abuse, neglect, as well as domestic violence (Annerbäck, Sahlqvist, Svedin, Wingren & Gustafsson, 2012). The question that many people ask is whether the abusers of the children are known. Although abusers can be any gender, the majority of them are males while the majority of the victims are females. This is the case, especially to the sexual abuse, a practice that is associated with unequal power relationships between men and women. Notably, cases of domestic violence have surpassed other causes of maltreatment, making it be detached and treated as a separate entity. According to the research conducted by Annerbäck and colleagues (2012), 20% of substantiated investigations concerned physical abuse, a factor that was identified as a principal cause of maltreatment. Sexual abuse constituted 3%, and neglect was the main category of the abuse and was comprised of 34% (Annerbäck et al., 2012). If the statistics are carefully evaluated, then, it will be discovered that there is a need for urgent measures against child abuse. This is because of the issue’s magnitude. In this context, this paper focuses on discussing the causes of child maltreatment and their effects on its growth. This is in addition to providing the strategies that can be used to reduce the number of cases that are associated with the issue.
Child abuse has been linked to many causes, which include a combination of individual, relational, community and societal factors. Children, who are under four years, as well as those with special needs, are at high chances of being abused. According to Cech (2010), parents play critical roles in the development of children. This implies that they should understand their needs. In this view, the maltreatment can be attributed to parents’ lack of understanding to children’s needs, especially the development and parenting skills, the family’s history of maltreatment, substance abuse in the family, parental characteristics, and parental thoughts and behaviors that may support the abusive behavior (Cech, 2010). Children whose parents abuse drugs are more likely to be abused and neglected than their counterparts. It is also evident that children whose parents abuse drugs and do not receive due treatment are likely to foster care longer and to reenter foster care once more than they return home. From this perspective, it is explicit that abuse of drugs by parents can lead to addiction, something that is reflected among the children of addicts. Irresponsible parents neglect their children because they lack skills and knowledge to care for their kid’s safety (Cech, 2010). However, parents who are responsible will take care of their kids. This is done by listening to them, encouraging them, and linking them with people who can offer support. Poverty is another key factor that leads to abusive behavior. For example, some children do not attend school because they are supposed to look for ways of earning their livelihood. This is despite the fact that every child is entitled to an education. The majority of children drop out of schools because their parents cannot afford their school fees due to lack of employment. Others have parents with poor social connections, which affect the child’s development. It is critical to underscore that children from low socioeconomic status, encounter difficulties in all its aspects of life. Particular community attitudes, such as acceptance of the use of violence and force, physical punishment of kids, inequality between men and women, as well as the acceptance of parents’ ownership of the children and their right to treat their kids the way they want may significantly contribute to child maltreatment and neglect.Child Abuse and Neglect Paper

When a child is abused and neglected, it is expected that it will be adversely affected (Stoltenborgh, Bakermans-Kranenburg & van IJzendoorn, 2013). In fact, child abuse is one of the causes of the deleterious behaviors that are portrayed during adolescents (Stoltenborgh et al., 2013). Mostly, the symptoms of child abuse vary with age. In most cases, the child has problems of attaching itself to its age mates. It is worrying to note that kid maltreatment has resulted in increased sexual inappropriate behaviors as well as withdrawal characters, particularly in preschool children. Behaviors, such as anger, anxiety, conduct disorders, poor academic performance, sleep disorder, and substance abuse are associated with child abuse and neglect. Notably, behavioral problems that are common in adolescents increase the risk of admission to care and placement.

According to Sousa and colleagues (2011), various types of abuses may result in different harmful outcomes. Evidently, physical abuse is associated with later violent behaviors, depression, and suicidal ideation. This is in addition to mental problems. On the other hand, kid’s sexual abuse is linked to increased rates of mental health disorder. Children who have been sexually harassed may want to commit suicide because of the torture they may have undergone Sousa et al., 2011). This argument aligns with Annerbäck and colleagues (2012) findings, which revealed that there is an independent link between the physical abuse and suicidal cases. Sexual and physical maltreatment is linked to substance misuse in adolescence. It is imperative to state that an abused and neglected kid is impacted not only physically and mentally, but also cognitively. In fact, neglected kids tend to have more cognitive problems as well as emotional issues than kids that have been physically abused. This paper will be incomplete if it does not highlight that kids’ maltreatment extends to adult functioning. Behaviors, such as low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and aggressiveness might result from childhood experiences.

It is crucial to note that child abuse impacts the kid, the family, community, and country. Cech (2010) argues that there are long-term economic costs of child abuse in the healthcare system. For example, some conditions, such as cancer are common to women who have experienced emotional, physical or sexual abuse in childhood. Family violence adversely impacts kids because exposure to intimate partner violence id harmful to children even in the absence of the child’s physical or sexual abuse.

Understanding the causes and the effects of child abuse and neglect imply that it is necessary to recommend strategies for reducing the increased rate of the child abuse, which affects child and youth care. The protective factors are found at different levels (Kagan, 2014). Due to the significant role associated with the family, it is supposed to offer a supportive environment and social networks to improve growth and development of children. In this context, parents should have adaptive nurturing parenting skills and stable relationships. This implies that emotional support, as well as access to high-quality healthcare, should be provided (Kagan, 2014). Additionally, the household rules and child monitoring should be promoted. This is in addition to the provision of adequate housing. Concerning the communities, it is vital for them to have a culture that promoted equality in all genders to reduce gender violence, which is a leading cause of child abuse and neglect (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2015). Moreover, governments should take their positions and ensure the rights of kids are upheld. For example, it should enact laws that protect children and define penalties for child abuse and neglect cases. The government should provide employment opportunities for parents because poverty has been recognized as among the principal causes of child abuse (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2015). Children who come from poor background do not access education and other social amenities, yet, they are entitled to them.Child Abuse and Neglect Paper

In conclusion, child abuse and neglect are among the contemporary issues in the child and youth care that significantly influence their growth and development. It is explicit that there are diverse causes as well as adverse effects on the kids and other members of the society. Because of the magnitude of the contemporary issue, it is crucial to develop comprehensive strategies for dealing with it that involve all the stakeholders. The human rights advocates should not be left behind because child abuse and neglect are violations of basic human rights. If the strategies suggested are implemented, then, factors that cause the problem will be effectively addressed.


One of the major problems which faces societies in our days is child abuse and neglect. This problem has always existed, but it is now that scientists are beginning to discover the disastrous results that it leads to. Neglect and abuse are the same, expect in one major difference. While the damage is not intended in the cases of neglect, it is intended in the cases of abuse (Griffin, 1992). By definition, neglect is the absence of adequate social, emotional and physical care. Abuse on the other hand is defined as the nonaccidental physical attack on or injury to children by individuals caring for them. The majority of the cases of abuse are those of emotional abuse (Griffin, 1992). However, cases of physical abuse are also serious with 20,000 cases recorded annually in the US as cases of physical abuse. Physical abuse involves  hitting the child in such a way as to hurt him. At the same time, more than 113,000 cases are reported annually in the US as sexual abuse cases (Zanden, 1993). Sexual abuse is defined as the forced, tricked, or coerced sexual behavior between a child and an older person. Sexual abuse is considered to be the worst kind of child abuse, and is usually the least reported, mainly because it takes place inside the family.

Child abuse in Lebanon is not a new problem. In fact, the patriarchial structure of the Lebanese family gives the father more chances to abuse his children and even his wife. Besides, our society tolerates beating children in order to make them grow up straight. Our heritage contains proverbs such as “use the stick for those who disobey,” and “hit your child and he will be straight.”Child Abuse and Neglect Paper

II. Child abuse essay:  Scope

In Lebanon, child abuse is becoming a serious problem that needs to be resolved quickly. Visiting the emergency sections in any hospital will include a few children whom their parents will report that they have fallen while they were playing. According to Dr. Rola Abi Nader, in the emergency section in Jiiatawi Hospital in Ashrafieh, most of these cases are usually victims of child abuse. Despite this, both the children and their parent insist that it was an accident, and consequently, the medical authorities do not report to the police.

III. Child abuse essay:  Symptoms

Social agencies specialized in fighting child abuse in the US have listed six important symptoms which teachers must notice in order to report for child abuse.

The first sign is to look for bruises. The second is to see whether the child complains from beating or maltreatment. If the teacher notices that the child arrives early or stays late after school, then she might have to report because the child might be trying to escape from the abuse at home. Children who are frequently late or absent may also be victims of abuse. Besides, children who are aggressive, disruptive and bullying tend to be abused at home, whereas those who are isolated, shy and withdrawn are usually ignored and neglected. Finally, a child wearing clothes which do not suit the weather, or who seems to be in need of medical attention might be a victim of child neglect or abuse as well (Warwick, 1995).

IV. Child abuse essay: Consequences of Child Abuse

Child abuse usually results in the mal-development of the child’s character. The child is brought up according to violent standards which become implanted inside him or her. Due to the long process of bringing up which lasts for the entire period of childhood and adolescence, the abused child grows up to be violent in turn. To such a child, violence is the only method that he had been taught to deal with others in life, and this influences his scope in dealing with others (Barington, 1995). Other abused children may be too intimidated and isolated. They fear to express their feelings because they have been brought under restriction.Child Abuse and Neglect Paper

The impact of sexual abuse is even worse. Studies show that teenage runaway, prostitution, drug abuse, clinical depression, low self-esteem and suicidal behavior are all associated with sexual abuse, especially among females. On the other hand, little is known on the symptoms that appear in males because very few cases of male victims are even known. The reason is that boys are raised to control themselves and feelings, and this is why they usually avoid the subject and may even minimize the important of the event if it happens to them (Russel, 1995).

V.Causes of Child Abuse

Abuse appears in families for many different reasons. One reason for abuse and neglect by parents is that they do not understand the needs of their children. For example, a mother might think that her son is crying because he is hungry while he is feeling pain. She tries to feed him but he cries more. If this misunderstanding happens a lot, the mother becomes frustrated and the parent will lose her temper. She might start hitting or pushing the baby. She might even stop caring at all.

Another cause for abuse and neglect is poverty. It is noticed that in poor families, parents tend to care less for their children and even to show more abuse. This might be the result of frustration which the parents feel as they are unable to make a good living. Cases of child abuse increase a lot in case the parent, especially the father, loses a job. In such cases, children become the way through which the parent releases the angry feelings inside himself.

Although poverty might be an important factor for child abuse, studies show that abuse occurs in all kinds of families in all social backgrounds. Even in rich families where the parents fight a lot, the stress forces the parents to abuse and neglect their children.

Besides, if parents are addictive to drugs or alcohol, the chances for child abuse and neglect become very high. Also, if the family as a whole does not communicate with the neighborhood and remains isolated all the time, then there are more chances that the children will become victims of child abuse and neglect.

Some psychologists have found out that about 20% of abusive and neglecting parents were themselves victims of child abuse and neglect when they were young children. Professionals were able to prove that there is a cycle of violence which passes from parent to child, making the chances for an abused child to become an abusive parents very high. However, it is not necessarily true that abused children will become abusive parents in the end.Child Abuse and Neglect Paper

VI. Solutions

Countries in which child abuse has a long history such as the US have already come out with many solutions. In Lebanon, however, child abuse has only lately been recognized as a major problem. Consequently, little collective or organized action has been done in order to protect the rights of the child.

The first step required to prevent child abuse is to activate legal intervention. In Lebanon, the law does not intervene in family problems such as child abuse. What we need is a decisive set of laws which protect the rights of the child inside the family, and against the possible aggression of the parents or elderly brothers. Moreover, the law must be decisive about the rights of the child at home. Abusive parents must be punished, even to the extent of depriving them the right to custody of the child if they are incapable of raising their children in the proper manner.

The second step for intervention is to provide for a hotline for reporting. When abused children become aware that there is a hotline to receive their complaints seriously, they will take the initiative and report to protect themselves. If no such line exists, children will be abused in silence, and all the laws to prevent child abuse will not have any value. The hotline should not only be used by abused children, but also by teachers, neighbors and every member of the society who thinks that a child next door or in the community is being abused by an adult. After all, children are minor citizens who are unable to protect themselves against the aggression of adults.Child Abuse and Neglect Paper

Public awareness is also very important to prevent the problem of child abuse. People who think that it is none of their business to report on abusive neighbors are in fact participating in making the problem worse. It is their obligation in fact to report, because a violation of human rights is taking place. Public awareness is not an easy thing to attain. The only way to do so is to establish specialized agencies for the protection of child rights, and to educate the public about their obligations towards these agencies and the children of the community.

Finally, one of the most important steps needed to prevent child abuse is to educate parents. This education must take place in two phases. In the first phase, awareness programs targeted at parents in the media and in social agencies should educate parents on the concepts of child abuse, its causes, consequences and ways of dealing with it. However, the second phase which is more radical and consequently more influential is to start education on child abuse in school programs, especially for those who will become parents in the future. In other words, notions of child abuse must be included in the national education programs.

Child abuse has always existed in our society. It is now that we are becoming aware of it. It is true that there are no statistics to prove that the problem exists, but we know it does, from the ways we see other parents treat their children, or the cases we see in hospitals. These symptoms exist all the time, and cannot be simply overlooked by society. Solutions are available. They just need support from child-rights agencies and from the government. Child Abuse and Neglect Paper