Childhood Obesity Assignment Essay

The Problem of Childhood Obesity and Ways to Solve It

Through the last decades the topic about childhood obesity has become a serious issue of debate among physicians, weight-loss experts and society as a whole. Widespread epidemic of childhood obesity continues to make a powerful impact on the child’s physical and mental health, emotional well-being, social interactions, lifestyles, relationships, and so on. Childhood obesity can lead to a number of health problems, complications, and serious chronic illnesses later in life that in its turn may make a powerful negative impact on the health of the nation in general. As known, diets and exercise habits matter a lot to the child’s health, physical shape and well-being. Unfortunately, most of young people support unhealthy lifestyle and lack of physical activities and exercising, which increase the issue of obesity, the risks of certain illnesses, emotional issues, and chronic diseases. Evidence shows that many children support so-called “couch potato” lifestyle, lack of physical activity, and gain weight very fast. Researchers explain that “too much time spent in sedentary activities, such as watching television or playing video games, also contributes to the problem” ( Obesity Assignment Essay


The problem of childhood obesity continues to increase annually, thus there is a strong need to encourage all possible methodologies and preventive strategies to reduce the risks of obesity among youth. First and foremost, it is crucially important to encourage an active lifestyle to regulate calories; schools, educators, parents, and the community should serve as a role model and encourage children to take part in physical fitness programs, support healthy diets, and avoid “convenience” food. The strategies and programs should be directed towards child’s physical activity, healthier lifestyle, and education concerning obesity and its possible complications; it is important to organize meetings with physicians, regularly talk about the problem, and implement educational projects concerning obesity and the development of healthy food habits, which can help to make a positive impact on the child’s health, lifestyle, behaviors, self-esteem, relationships and daily habits.

Works Cited:

Mayo Clinic. Childhood Obesity.– obesity/symptoms-causes/syc-20354827 Childhood Obesity Assignment Essay