Client Safety And Health Discussion Paper


From the American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics, I selected professional responsibility in the development of a safety culture. Nurses should always be involved in the formulation, execution, and evaluation of regulations that enhance client safety and health, decrease inefficiencies and wastage, and build and maintain a safe environment, as well as comply with those regulations (ANA, 2015). A nurse leader’s primary responsibility is to promote safety and health in their unit and healthcare institution. It is the responsibility of nursing leaders to develop and implement standards and practices to safeguard patients. Having a structure in place for employees to disclose errors and safety incidents is essential for nurse leaders as well Client Safety And Health Discussion Paper.


It is the responsibility of nurses to develop protocols to analyze the reasons for mistakes or near-misses, as well as to resolve system variables that may have played a role in them (ANA, 2015). Nursing leaders may utilize this knowledge to enhance processes, hence reducing the likelihood of future blunders. Nurse leaders must also foster a culture of fairness in their organizations, allowing nurses to express their concerns without fear of retribution. It is also necessary for leadership to provide a safe working environment for nurses. Within this provision, one might serve as a role model by leading by example. Errors or near-misses should be reported, hazardous circumstances should be reported, and an atmosphere of justice should be created Client Safety And Health Discussion Paper.

The nurse leader’s leadership style, I believe, is influenced by their ethical principles. Nurse leaders’ ethical activities are guided in part by their own personal values. Organizations may benefit from ethical leadership by achieving good and successful outcomes. In my opinion, ethics may have an impact on a leader’s style because they will choose a leadership style that incorporates ethical ideals. Environmental influences on the values and behaviors of the company are going to be fostered by ethical nurse managers Client Safety And Health Discussion Paper