Clinical Procedures Case Studies Discussion

NRP/571 v2 C Clinical Procedure Case Studies Complete the case studies by answering the questions beneath each scenario. Case Study 1 A 35-year-old Hispanic female presents to the office. She complains of severe pain in her left 1st metatarsal (big toe) on the medial corner of her nail bed. She reports that the pain has gradually worsened over the last week and she can now barely walk Clinical Procedures Case Studies Discussion.


She has tried soaking her foot in Epsom salts and putting antibiotic cream on her toe, none of which have helped. On physical exam her toe is swollen and erythematous with tenderness. She also has purulent drainage present. PMHx: none SHx: married with two children Allergies: none 1. What is your diagnosis (include staging)? Ingrown toe nails stage 2. In stage 2 there is discharge, erythema, pain and local infection 2. What is the treatment plan? Clinical Procedures Case Studies Discussion