Cognitive Changes with Aging Discussion Paper


Choose any current event/news story/scholarly article (you may choose more than one) that pertains to chapter four, five, and/or six from a reputable online source and provide the following information in a Microsoft Word or PDF document:

Basics Discussion: Describe the basic ideas and content of your source (i.e. a brief summary) that includes the following: What is the basic topic? What basic ideas about the topic are covered? What (if any) evidence is provided regarding the topic? Provide any information necessary to understanding your source. (At least two paragraphs, 8 points) Cognitive Changes with Aging Discussion Paper


Applying/Analyzing Sociologically: How does your source relate to the textbook readings and terminology? Choose at least three examples from the course material that relate to your source. Provide a thorough definition/description of your example as well as a thoughtful discussion of how each example relates to your source. (Five to six paragraphs, 16 points)

All source/s should be properly cited and submissions free of errors. Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font. (6+ points; if there are a substantial amount of spelling, grammatical, etc. errors or the writing does not reflect college-level standards, more points will be deduct

Chapter 4: Managing Chronic Diseases and Promoting Well-Being in Old Age No aspect of old age is more alarming to most of us than the thought of declining health and threats to our functional ability and autonomy. We fear not only the pain and disruption of illness, but also how it affects active aging and our ability to perform daily tasks and remain at home. Poor health, more than other changes commonly associated with aging, can reduce a person’s competence in mastering his or her environment. On the other hand, although many diseases are deleterious, progressive, and long-term, they are not universal with age. Moreover, older adults with chronic illnesses may still enjoy a certain quality of life, and we can make modifications in our lives, no matter what age, that will promote physical well-being in old age. However, inequities by gender, race, and social class, which may begin earlier in life and intensify with age, affect illness and death rates from certain chronic illnesses, perpetuating health disparities Cognitive Changes with Aging Discussion Paper.

Chapter 5: Cognitive Changes With Aging This chapter focuses on cognitive changes that typically occur as we age. These changes influence older people’s social behavior and dynamic relationships with their physical and social environments. Findings related to intelligence, learning, and memory suggest that normal aging does not result in significant declines, or declines in all areas. Although older participants in the studies described in this chapter do not perform as well as younger people, their scores are not so low as to indicate significant impairments in functioning. Chapter 6: Personality and Mental Health in Old Age The focus of this chapter is on psychological aspects of aging, examining how these ageassociated developmental changes influence older people’s behaviors and interactions with their physical and social environments.


The concept of successful aging is reviewed and critiqued, especially in terms of its salience for low-income older adults. A portion of older adults do not enjoy the level of cognitive functioning that characterizes successful or active aging, but instead, experience mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and dementia. Despite the documented benefits of therapeutic interventions for older adults, this group uses mental health services less often than do younger persons; fortunately, new models of care that integrate behavioral and physical health are reaching older adults who are in need of such services Cognitive Changes with Aging Discussion Paper