Combatting Workplace Harassment For The Common Good Essay

Critiques a global issue where shared responsibility for the common good is not being realised (approx. 300 words) and then, propose ways to address this challenge  in your professional community, locally and especially globally. Clear definition of the Common good (from a CST perspective, not a philosophical one), and how it relates to the issue you’ve chosen.

Issue: harassment in the workplace (e.g., schools, health care facilities/hospitals, corporations etc.)

2-3 ways issue may affect the realisation of the Common Good. (That is, why does this illness propose a threat? What are the underlying causes that have allowed it to remain unacknowledged for so long?) Combatting Workplace Harassment For The Common Good Essay


2-3 solutions (drawing upon advocacy, solidarity, and community engagement) as to how you and others might begin addressing this issue in the future from your profession.

A much deeper analysis of how this is a global issue, not just one affecting Australia, and how we need to unite as a global community to address it.