COMM 1004 week 2 Essay Discussion

In the discussion I will clarify the two people that have a major influence in my life. The first person is my mom. My mom is my hero because she raised four children by herself. My mom was a hard worker. She worked two jobs just to make ends meet. When I was young, my mom taught me a lot. She taught me how to cook, clean, and how to be independent. Growing up, I would sit and watch my mom as she struggled trying to take care of her children. The major influence is the way she disciplined me. When I felt that I could not do anything, she was there to tell me, “You can do anything you put your mind to do.” She would tell me the words QUIT and CAN’T should not be in your vocabulary because you can do and be anything you set out to do. Today, I thank my mom a lot for raising me up to be the woman I am today.COMM 1004 week 2 Essay Discussion


The second person that have a major influence in my life is my cousin, Charmaine Harris. When I was in the Middle School, I love being around her. Everyday after school, I would stay over just to watch her practice basketball and softball. She was my high school role model. I told her that I wanted to play basketball and softball just like her. She told me to go for it. After making the basketball and softball team, she taught me everything I needed to know about the two sports.  Beside my sisters, she took up time with me like I was her sister. Like my mom, she would tell me not to give up on my dreams. When she graduated high school, she left and went off to college and I did not stay in touch with her. I felt alone because she had left me. Today, because of her encouraging words, I started school here at Walden University in May of 2018. I am also the Assistant Coach for the girls’ softball team. COMM 1004 week 2 Essay Discussion

My example of when I had to manage my self-presentation was when I first started working at the Elementary School as a Para. I had my own group that I would work with everyday and one of my coworkers had a very nasty attitude towards me. She did not want me to help the kids with their work. One day, the kids came in the room loud and out of control. She could not get them to settle down for anything. I wanted to treat her the exact same way she treated me. I wanted to have a nasty attitude towards her, but I remember what my mom and cousin said to me, “Always respect your Elders.” Instead, I went over an offered my help. After getting the kids to settle down, she came to me and apologized for her behavior towards me. I accepted her apology and we are working and getting along very well.COMM 1004 week 2 Essay Discussion