Community Health: Vulnerable Amishi Population

The Amish population of Washington IN is the vulnerable population because of the specificity and relative isolation of the community. The isolation of the Amish community and their beliefs discourage them from taking advantage of benefits of the contemporary medicine. They lack the health insurance coverage. They do not always prefer to use medication and treatment in health care organizations and experience many other issues. Therefore, the Amish population needs the enhancement of health care services through the elimination of existing barriers and spreading high quality health care in the Amish community.Community Health: Vulnerable Amishi Population


Vulnerable Population Overview

The Amish community is the highly conservative and relatively isolated community which has strong religious beliefs that make the community distinct from other communities in Washington IN. They stick to their traditional lifestyle and prefer not to use machines and advancements of the contemporary science and technology. Instead, they try to stay closer to nature and their activities involve traditional ways of farming and other activities that involve the manual labor mainly and do not involve machines and modern technologies. Such lifestyle affects their public health because they also prefer traditional methods of treatment based on their traditions rather than on achievements of the contemporary medicine (McKusick, 2000). They do not always refer to health care professionals, even if they have serious conditions, while often they do not have the option to use contemporary health care services because of the lack of health coverage or their isolation and remoteness.

Strengths, Risk Factors, and/or Barriers

Amish do not practice the industrialized farming and conduct the traditional lifestyle that helps them to have healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Also Amish prefer to live in the healthy environment that has a positive impact on their health. They do not use advanced technologies and mechanization that contribute to the enhancement of their health through physical activities.Community Health: Vulnerable Amishi Population

at the same time, the major risks are associated with the closeness of the Amish community that leads to the spread of genetic diseases because of the shortage of the extra-community marriages. Instead, the community remains enclosed that increases the risk of genetic health problems, like dwarfism, Angelman disorder, and others (Michelle, et al., 2006).

The major barrier for Amish is their specific lifestyle and beliefs which discourage them from having health insurance. As a result, they have limited access to health services available to other Americans. In such a way, they have the limited access to health care services and their community is relatively isolated that is the major barrier on the way to contemporary health care services

Community Resources

The community has a strong mutual support and funding. For example, the community covers serious health care condition treatment of community members. Community members stick to the healthy lifestyle that is also important for their good public health. Community members are supportive and help each other.Community Health: Vulnerable Amishi Population


Community Health Problem Diagnosis

The major priority in the community health problem is the integration of Amish into the mainstream health care coverage through their enrollment in existing health care programs to make health care services affordable to them. Amish should have access to contemporary health care services, but they need education to become aware of the importance of using available health care services and they need money to be able to afford those services.


Thus, the Amish community faces health problem driven by their isolation, like the higher share of genetic diseases compared to other communities in Washington IN and Amish do not take advantage of the latest achievements in the field of medicine. This is why the public health priority for the Amish community in Washington IN is to enroll them into exiting health care programs.Community Health: Vulnerable Amishi Population