Compassion And Professionalism In Nursing Essay Paper
My commitment, compassion and professionalism in nursing are exceptional. As it pertains to commitment words are inexplicable to relate the depth of my loyalty to this discipline. This is not an overnight development in my character. My mother demonstrated loyalty to the profession. Growing up her dedication inspired me to become a nurse. As a child it is difficult recalling a day she was off the job. One day as a young woman my mother saw me wrestling with menstrual pains unable to attend school. This was a reason in my estimation for her to miss work, but she left me with some cramp medication and the number where she could be reached. While being disappointed at her response to my serious illness a valuable lesson of dedication to duty was transmitted Compassion And Professionalism In Nursing Essay Paper.
Likewise as a young nurse working in the intensive care unit at my hospital there were many times nurses did not show up to fill the succeeding shift. Making an issue of the absence of nurses and my being there way beyond my shift caught my attention as a reason to be less committed to my duty. Instead empathy for the absent nurses filled my heart because everyone does not have the strength to display my level of commitment.
Specifically, in relation to compassion it outpours to my patients as well as colleagues in the clinical setting irrespective of their category. Empathy for patients and relatives allows me as a nurse to express affection that is beyond a superficial emotion, but transmit a caring quality. While there are professional boundaries between patient and nurse with respect to extending compassion, in my opinon a nurse cannot function without love, which is an expression of compassion Compassion And Professionalism In Nursing Essay Paper