Concept Usage In Professional Practice Model

The profession of nursing plays a pivotal and centralized role in the health care system of any country. It has been reported to be one of the largest health care occupation group with around 2.4 billion registered nurses (Royal College of Nursing, 2003). The health conditions and the treatment depends upon how well trained, qualified and competent our nurses are when it comes to dealing with different types of patients. This profession must have leaders with vision, education and commitment towards providing the people with best health care services. Such leaders not only provide for qualified and trained nurses for safe healthcare practice but also protect the rights of the nursing professionals and patients..Concept Usage In Professional Practice Model

The nursing field attracts a lot of people who wants to help others. One of the major personal goals of nursing is helping others in need. This is the main personal goal of every nurse. The nurses have to take proper care of others and even save the lives of numerous individuals. The nurse, whether in home care, hospital or nursing homes, stays close to patients and come to his aid when needed, even before a physician. The rapid changes in technology and hiked costs of healthcare hospitals are laying off the staff. Patients pay more for the treatment whereas; sometimes they are not satisfied with the services on time because of staff shortage. Big corporations are taking over the hospitals with the main objective to increase profit and minimized the rising costs. A nurse has the responsibility to react and come up with appropriate solutions in accordance to the problem which has arisen (Chitty & Black, 2007)..Concept Usage In Professional Practice Model



Concept and philosophy of nursing

The personal goals of a nurse are humble. Money is never a goal, rather doing that which enriches the soul. The satisfaction of knowing that you have saved a live of an individual or have helped in recovering the health of a person is the main goal of the nurses. Nurses are the happiest when they help others. The field of nursing is undoubtedly about identifying the personal goals, aims, thoughts and truths and connecting them with the professional goals of being a nurse. Every nurse comes in this filed for a variety of reasons and different events influence them to pursue the occupation of nursing. However, generally, the nurses are attracted to this filed due to the characteristics of nurturing others which this profession is all about.

Nursing is a very respectable occupation. The nurses’ philosophies can vary from person to person depending on their views, culture or religion, but, the diversities combination makes the nursing profession very special (Chitty & Black, 2007). The main personal goal of the nurse should be placing the concern and care of the patients at the highest priority. To continue their education must be one of the top personal goals of a nurse, so that, they learn about the latest technologies and high-quality of care …Concept Usage In Professional Practice Model