Concepts Applied To Nursing Practice Essay Example Paper

The two concepts of which I identify with that I intend to apply to my nursing practice is validity and clinical practice guidelines. The reason and purpose is to lessen the possibility of heart patient readmissions by identifying what clinical and diagnostic features the patient presents with when hospitalized for heart failure.

Validity Concept

Validity is used to evaluate outcomes of identifying and treating patients hospitalized with heart failure. With this concept, it is important to identify and understand the patient variables that can affect outcomes. These variables include dyspnea, crackles, daily living assistance, age, gender, and other factors. It is important for these factors to be investigated so that results can be evaluated for making the best clinical decisions for the patient.


Validity comes into play when it is necessary to verify information and results for truthfulness. Validity has internal, external, and content criteria to identify any possible discrepancies in the data analysis process regarding data collected about patients, for example from their medical records (Anderson, 2014)Concepts Applied To Nursing Practice Essay Example Paper.

Clinical Practice Guideline Concept

With this concept, it is important to follow clinical practice guidelines for heart failure. The research showed these guidelines were developed by a task force investigation into heart failure management input (Agency for health care research and quality, 2013). Understanding clinical practice guidelines will enable nursing and other medical professionals to determine if patients with heart failure will benefit more from appropriate education compared to rigid medication management in preventing 60-day hospital readmissions. Additionally, accurate diagnostic evaluations will help with managing patients’ first admission with heart failure, which pertains to correct treatment protocols and models of care for patients Concepts Applied To Nursing Practice Essay Example Paper.


I will apply my learning experiences regarding these two concepts to my nursing practice, as I understand that readmissions for patients with heart failure is not a patient issue, but an issue of proper care and management during their hospitalization. This suggests that my role, as a nurse, includes ensuring patients receive the proper care protocols and my responsibility also includes ensuring that patients respond to treatment that coincides with the expectations of the cardiologist Concepts Applied To Nursing Practice Essay Example Paper