Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations

Acknowledging one’s own strengths and flaws is an essential part of leadership. A self-leadership analysis may be conducted using a variety of techniques and resources. STAR analysis is used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a certain leadership situation. As a result, leaders are better able to recognize the necessary skills for a job role in the health care system. Furthermore, a gap analysis should be performed to identify areas of weakness. The use of these instruments results in a definite delineation of strong leadership attributes as well as aspects that need improvements. In order to become the most competent leader, a strategy for individual leadership training was developed and carried out Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations.


Core competencies are the capabilities and characteristics that distinguish a company from its rivals and help it to establish its identity. Leaders may use them to keep on track with their organization’s ideals, purpose, and objectives by following them. Competent healthcare administrators make sure that their efforts match the objectives of the business, enabling their key talents to be a part of the company’s success. It is necessary for healthcare institutions to have strong leadership abilities in the following areas: analytical abilities; policy formulation; information exchange; cultural competence; and financial management.

For healthcare leaders, adaptability is a need since the healthcare system is always changing and evolving. Health-care leaders have a wide range of tasks that may be both complex and time-consuming to manage. As a result, analytical abilities are required to examine information, solve issues, and make judgments. It is essential that a leader’s day-to-day activities include the regular practice of analytical skills in order to maximize an organization’s performance and success (Kakemam et al., 2020). A lack of analytical ability will prevent a leader from making a positive impact on the organization. It is impossible to be a good leader if one is incapable of properly analyzing and formulating a solution that is consistent with the organization’s strategic purpose.

Policy creation is an important leadership skill since it has a significant impact on the people an institution serves. The knowledge and care that a population gets out of its health organization determine the health of that population. As a result, it is critical for an institution to implement measures that will guide its people to a healthier condition. Keeping people healthy is as simple as encouraging them to do their part in preventing illness in the first place (Haigh, et al., 2018) Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations. A healthy community is far simpler to manage and care for than a population plagued with numerous diseases. The formulation of policies will assist a leader in maintaining their population while also protecting their personnel from potential susceptibility to dangerous conditions. Some examples of policy creation comprise health education, drug management, and mitigation of neglect and abuse. In addition to affecting patients, policy creation serves as a guide for healthcare workers. Members of staff will be unable to respond appropriately to certain scenarios if policies are not developed in advance. Policy creation is required to ensure the provision of high-quality care and to offer safety rules for healthcare institutions in general.

The effectiveness of every institution’s leadership relies heavily on its ability to communicate effectively with its many constituent parts (Ayeleke et al., 2018). A leader’s ability to communicate effectively will determine whether or not the organization’s objectives are met. When it comes to running a company, excellent communication skills are essential in all aspects of the operation. This set of abilities will enable a leader to cultivate mindfulness, resolve disputes, and foster collaboration, all of which are necessary for fostering an organizational culture that is in sync with the institution’s purpose (Ayeleke et al., 2018)Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations. Personnel that have good communication skills may also bring up any concerns that the administration may have missed. An organization’s sustainability may be determined by its ability to communicate effectively in this context.


Having cultural competency is being able to engage successfully with individuals from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Effective health care for all clients might be improved by enhancing the cultural competency of medical providers and institutions (Cashin et al., 2017). Healthcare leaders should strive to ensure that all patients get the best possible treatment, irrespective of their socioeconomic status. It is the responsibility of leaders to adapt to the communities they cover and to participate in the procedures required to accomplish the objectives of the organization.

Healthcare leaders must possess strong financial management and planning abilities. If a leader lacks financial acumen, he or she will jeopardize an organization’s economic objectives. Contract negotiations, budget preparation, cash outlays, and supplies all benefit from strong financial management and financial planning abilities. To be an effective leader, one has to be able to discern what the company needs and how that will influence its income (Finkler et al., 2022)Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations. For an organization to remain solvent and ultimately grow, its leaders need to be able to come up with creative ideas that boost income.

Personal Leadership Gap Analysis

Organizational success depends heavily on an employee’s analytical abilities. The everyday functioning of the our healthcare organization health system will be improved by a leader who is able to provide strong answers to problems that arise. Because the health care sector is always evolving, it is critical that our healthcare organization’s executives possess the analytical abilities necessary to address the institution’s problems. My analytical abilities, in my opinion, are a huge asset to the progress of my company. In spite of everything, there’s always an opportunity for growth! Despite the fact that I might be able to identify and address my institution’s issues, I still have to work on implementing the solution. If the problem persists despite my efforts to fix it, I need to reevaluate my approach and find a better alternative.

Policy-making is a crucial part of being a leader. Because of the low value put on this skill set, Our healthcare organization has run into problems while formulating policies. Staff members would be unable to deal with health and treatment-related situations if regulations and processes weren’t put in place. In the case of a disease epidemic, certain actions must be taken. Health crises are an opportunity to educate the team on the significance of policy implementation, therefore I’d present them with a guidance booklet outlining what to do in such a situation. Each employee will then have to take an online exam to verify their understanding of the new policy. Members of staff will be better able to appreciate the need for preventive actions, which will help close the policy formulation gap Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations

An organization’s success is largely dependent on its ability to communicate effectively. A leader’s ability to inspire and encourage their team is directly related to their ability to communicate effectively. Our healthcare organization’s internal procedures will benefit from my compassionate listening and communication skills. Many of an organization’s internal procedures might have an impact on its operational objectives, but executives aren’t always aware of them. Because of this, it is critical to have open communication with one’s employees so that one is aware of any concerns that may affect the organization’s ability to function. Our healthcare organization’s internal systems may be impacted by these minor difficulties, which may have a direct impact on the efficacy of services. In order to get the best results as a leader, I will make it a priority to improve my communication abilities on a regular basis.

Our healthcare organization is surrounded by a wide range of ethnic and racial groups. As a consequence, it is critical that the health care system’s employees be representative of the area it serves. In my role as a prospective healthcare executive, I recognize the significance of cultural competence and its influence on client experience. It’s important to me that Our healthcare organization’s employees understand the need for cultural awareness while providing care to patients and in the workplace. Patients will be more likely to stick around if there is more diversity in the workplace.

A company’s finances are essential to its success. Quality healthcare can only be provided with enough resources if proper budgeting skills are in place. Learning the organization’s functional objectives and making choices based on those objectives will help me enhance my financial planning skills. As part of our healthcare organization’s mission, we strive to offer seamless coordination of services. To make this happen, I would make sure that everyone on the team has access to the tools they need to do their jobs well. Equipment upgrades and a research budget are part of this, as is a commitment to finding the most cutting-edge methods to treat patients. As much as I may find finance to be the most challenging aspect of my job, I will constantly keep an eye on my organization’s financial objectives and how to better them Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations.

Individual Leadership Development Plan

Areas of Weakness Action Steps Performance Indicators
Analytical Skills


•      Improve understanding of health care financing.

•      Examine the problem from all angles.

•      Before deciding on a course of action, do thorough research about the most successful and lucrative options.

•      Do not miss a beat when it comes to keeping tabs on the day-to-day operations.

•      Investigate and build upon prior solutions

•      Scrutinizes all issues attentively.

•      Puts into practice effective techniques.

•      Optimize efficiency by matching operational objectives to selected solutions.

•      Use the lessons learned from the past to prevent future difficulties.

•      Fix problems that keep repeating.

•      Conduct risk assessment assessments on a regular basis and make well-informed decisions.

•      Develop cutting-edge solutions that set our healthcare organization apart from its rivals.

•      Consider all aspects that have an influence on practice choices and make sure they are in line with operational objectives.

Policy Development •      Look at what stakeholders are saying about existing policy.

•      Keep existing policies in mind while directing the organization’s strategy.

•      Work with the teams required to develop, study, and implement successful policies.

•      Assess the policy’s efficacy once it has been put in place.

•      Modify the policy as necessary to increase its usefulness and efficacy.

•      Develop policies that are backed by the people who actually use them.


•      Develop policies that are in line with the existing environment.


•      Examine how well the policies are working and make changes if necessary.


•      Encouraging the participation of all relevant parties.


•      Implement the policies with the assistance of developed leadership programs.

•      Guarantee that polices are affiliated and positively impacting the organizational purpose.

Financial Planning and Management


•      Enroll in financial and management-related courses to improve your abilities.

•      Stay up to date on the latest financial developments.

•      Take special consideration to the financial trends of both former and present leaders.

•      Enhance on prior implementations using new techniques.

•      Conduct in-depth investigation on financial strategy and management methods.

•      Keep up-to-date on technology advancements that might contribute to a rise in income by learning about the tools that are available.

•      Maintain a high level of financial literacy by participating in all educational opportunities available Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations.


•      Make laws that will boost income that can be utilized during times of low demand.

•      Determine how much money should be spent on technical advancements.

•      Make operational policy changes and look for methods to grow.

STAR Format Competency Rating

NCHL Competency and Current ILDP Rating  








Outcome Rating:

1 (worst) – 5 (best)

Accountability: Face functionality difficulties.


Patient data is being erroneously recorded by medical assistants. Enhance the documentation approach to guarantee the reimbursement procedure A series of EPIC system trainings. Enhanced documentation 3
Achievement Orientation: Set and strive toward a set of lofty objectives.





Needs adequate regulatory conformity Create a documentation that explains Our healthcare organization’s policies and procedures to the general public. Send out emails with educational information attached, then switch on read receipts to track who has viewed the email. There was only a 15% increase in conformity among those who opened the email, suggesting that many employees may not have read it in its entirety. 3
Analytical Thinking:



Change Leadership: Make an effort to shake up the existing quo.



The corporate culture does not represent the corporation’s strategic goal. Identify and resolve problems that have an influence on the corporate culture. All personnel of the support group and healthcare professionals were surveyed to gain a deeper understanding of the situation. Enhanced efficiency and morale amongst staff, which in turn benefits patients. 3
Collaboration: Boost the spirit of others



Staff members worry that their input is not taken into consideration. Set up a setting conducive to open dialogue and teamwork Staff will be able to inform administration about problems before they get out of hand by using an anonymous feedback system. Obtained outstanding comments on areas that administration was uninformed of, greatly enhance patient experience 4
Financial Skills:



A budget based on the most recent technological developments Improve the delivery of healthcare via the use of appropriate technologies. Take advantage of cost-effective technological purchases. Recognized that offering on-site equipment improves care coordination 4
Human Resource Management:



Impact and Influence: Impact others via indirect means.



The same employees consistently offer their services as shift volunteers. Persuade others to help. Offering benefits like free lunch to employees on days when they are more likely to be absent The same employees offered to work additional days. 2
Information Seeking: Maintain expertise by doing research.


Staff shortages have a negative impact on patient care. Investigate the positive impacts of appropriate staffing and its impact on stress and burnout. Prepare and deliver to higher management a cost-benefit analysis on the significance of having enough employees Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations. A new group of support staff was brought on board. 5
Innovative Thinking: Apply ideas or trends that have been shown to work in the past.



Communication breakdowns within units Promote an atmosphere of open communication. Allow all employees to freely discuss any concerns they may have Issues that had been hampering productivity began to subside or were completely eliminated as the workforce got more at ease. 5
Interpersonal Understanding:  Make a sincere effort to comprehend the viewpoints of others Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations.




Staff disloyalty Develop close ties with employees Pay attention, be impartial, and be willing to make accommodations when required. A rise in the number of staff who stay on board 5
Organizational Awareness: Match actions with the current climate and cultural values.



Improvements are needed in the organism’s capacity to provide care. Increase the number of culturally diverse employees and educate on the importance of cultural sensitivity Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations Create workshops that teach cultural sensitivity. The culture of the organization reflected the demographics of the community it served, which improved patient experience. 5
Performance Measurement: Assess qualitative and quantitative metrics on a “scorecard.”



A large percentage of workers take off over the weekend. Establish a detailed record of who on the team takes the most days off, and why. Meetings with each employee to discuss their achievements. Performance improvement was noted in some personnel, whereas others remained stagnant. 3


Ayeleke, R. O., Dunham, A., North, N., & Wallis, K. (2018). The concept of leadership in the health care sector. Leadership.

Cashin, C., Bloom, D., Sparkes, S., Barroy, H., Kutzin, J., O’Dougherty, S., & World Health Organization. (2017). Aligning public financial management and health financing: sustaining progress toward universal health coverage (No. WHO/HIS/HGF/HFWorkingPaper/17.4). World Health Organization.

Finkler, S. A., Calabrese, T. D., & Smith, D. L. (2022). Financial management for public, health, and not-for-profit organizations. CQ Press.

Haigh, F., Harris, E., Harris-Roxas, B., Baum, F., Dannenberg, A. L., Harris, M. F., Keleher, H., Kemp, L., Morgan, R., NG Chok, H., & Spickett, J. (2018). What makes health impact assessments successful? Factors contributing to effectiveness in Australia and New Zealand. BMC Public Health, 15(1).

Kakemam, E., Liang, Z., Janati, A., Arab-Zozani, M., Mohaghegh, B., & Gholizadeh, M. (2020). Leadership and management competencies for hospital managers: a systematic review and best-fit framework synthesis. Journal of healthcare leadership12, 59.

Conduct a candid self-assessment of your health care leadership competencies and construct an 8-page comprehensive individual leadership development plan that can help you take your organization into the future Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations.


Before you create and submit your assessment, it is recommended that you complete the following:

  1. Review materials related to the National Center for Health Care Leadership’s Healthcare Leadership Competency Model:
    • National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL). (2017). Health leadership competency model 3.0.
    • National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL). (2010). Health leadership competency model summary.
  2. Consider the needs of your health care organization that you identified in Assessment 1. Consider how you add value to the organization by contributing to the achievement of the internal benchmarks within your department and specific to your position of employment.
  3. Conduct a candid self-assessment of your health care leadership competencies, using the attached Star Format Competency Rating Table [DOC]. Once you have a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses, you will construct an individual leadership development plan to focus upon development of critical success competencies that can help you take your organization into the future.
  4. Search for professional, scholarly journal articles on the leadership skills and competencies needed in health care organizations today and into the future. You will need a minimum of five resources to use as support for your assessment Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations


This assessment has three distinct parts.

  • Part 1: Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations.
    • In Part 1, based on the information from your resources, provide an overview of the leadership competencies required to lead health care organizations into the future.
  • Part 2: Personal Leadership Gap Analysis.
    • In Part 2, compare the competencies most needed by your organization (from your work in Assessment 1) to the skills you already possess (using the results from your STAR analysis).
  • Part 3: Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP).
    • In Part 3, use the information from your resources, your self-assessment, and your work in Assessment 1 to put together a cohesive individual leadership development plan (ILDP) Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations.


Read the requirements for each part carefully.

Part 1: Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations

Related Scoring Guide Criteria

  • Summarize relevant critical success leadership competencies required by health care organizations.
  • Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration professional.

Based on the resources you located, identify the top five leadership competencies needed within health care administration in order to ensure the success of health care organizations today and in the future.

Explain why each competency is critical to organizational success Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations.

Part 2: Personal Leadership Gap Analysis

Related Scoring Guide Criteria

  • Compare personal leadership competencies to the critical success leadership competencies needed within the health care industry.
  • Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration professional.

Following completion of the STAR assessment (using the attached Star Format Competency Rating Table [DOC]), consider your strengths versus those areas which require additional development. Provide a gap analysis that compares industry needs (as identified in Part 1), the needs of your organization (from your organization’s strategic direction), and the results of your STAR assessment. Use the Personal Leadership Gap Analysis Template [DOC]​ to help organize your analysis narrative.

In a brief narrative, explain any discrepancies between industry needs and organizational needs. Explain how your areas of strength can offer you additional opportunities for career advancement. You may include your Gap Analysis Template as an appendix to help support you narrative, but are not required to do so Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations.

Part 3: Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP)

Related Scoring Guide Criteria

  • Construct an individual leadership development plan that contains specific action steps, a timeline, and performance indicators and measures.
  • Explain how an individual leadership development plan aligns with industry and organizational needs.
  • Write coherently, concisely, logically, and with strong support from relevant professional resources, in an appropriate format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a health care administration professional.

When constructing your individual leadership development plan (ILDP) make sure you are identifying at least three specific areas of weakness you need to focus on in order to meet industry and organizational needs.

For your explanation regarding the alignment of your ILDP to industry and organizational needs address the following: Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations

  • Explain the action steps you need to take to increase your competency in those areas. Be sure your action steps are specific, include a timeline, and align with the overall goal of meeting industry and organizational needs.
  • Create specific performance indicators and measures for each action step to clearly illustrate how you will know that you are making progress on your plan.


If it helps you organize your thoughts, you may use a table format for your ILDP, such as the attached Individual Leadership Development Plan Template​ [DOC]. Just be sure to provide enough detail in each section, relative to the expectations laid out in the scoring guide. You are not required to use a table format; if you prefer, you may simply write this section as a narrative.

Additional Requirements

  • Structure: Include a title page, table of contents, and reference page.
  • Length: 8–12 pages.
  • References: Cite at least five current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Format: Use APA style for references and citations.

 Font: Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced for narrative portions only.

Critical Leadership Competencies for Health Care Organizations