Cultural Considerations in Nursing

A review of the case study and course content presents a range of cultural issues that have an influence on nursing care. Six cultural considerations have been identified. Firstly, religion has an influence on perception and acceptance of health care services. For instance, Islamic religion is very sensitive to gender roles does not allow for Muslim females to receive geriatric services from make medical personnel. Secondly, food has an influence on health outcomes by affecting the nutrient intakes. Traditional foods could be deficient in certain nutrients thereby affecting an individual’s health status. Thirdly, reactions to different situations may influence perceptions and interpretations. Cultural Considerations in Nursing For instance, persons from the Middle East countries more easily express their pain while those from Scandinavian countries are more resistant to expressing their pain thereby influencing how medical personnel interpret pain. Fourthly, gender-based roles have an influence on health care by determining the capacity to make decisions. For instance, Islamic countries do not allow females to appear in public without a male relative so that they must be accompanied by a male relative to receive medical care. Fifthly, autonomy and family orientation has an influence on health care through determining who makes decisions. Paternalistic communities have the males largely making the health care decisions. Finally, beliefs about modern and traditional medicine have an influence on individual preferences. Persons from cultures steeped in traditional medicine are more likely to make use of traditional medicine than modern medicine.


Four interventions have been identified as appropriate for improving cultural competence and addressing the cultural beliefs and practices that influence health beliefs. Firstly, focusing on the individual patients and ensuring that personal care interventions are adopted to promote individuation. This helps in prompting medical personnel to make a conscious effort to perceive each patient in terms of individual characteristics rather than as a member of a cultural group. In addition, it creates an awareness of cultural stereotypes and biases. Secondly, providing culturally sensitive health care that engineers the health system to support and sustain cultural competence among medical personnel. Thirdly, adopting systems that assist individuals to competently navigate the provider-patient relationships within the health system. Finally, addressing the physical barriers to health care, such as providing translation services to facilitate communication efforts (Zacccagnini & White, 2017). Cultural Considerations in Nursing

Besides the mentioned interventions, additional interventions can be applied to address the influence of cultural beliefs. Firstly, recruiting and retaining minority staff who provide patients from these minority groups with a sense of familiarity that improves their health care access and makes them more receptive of the services. Secondly, providing medical personnel with training to increase their cultural skills, knowledge and awareness. Thirdly, coordinating with traditional healers to ensure that the appropriate traditional medicine is used alongside modern medicine. Fourthly, using community health workers who are able to provide outreach services by visiting the patients in their homes and improving health care access. Fifthly, incorporating culture-specific values and attitudes into health promotion tools. Finally, including community and family members in health care decision-making (Butts & Rich, 2018). The discussed interventions help in presenting a culturally sensitive health care system that acknowledges the existence of various cultural groups and prepares the system to handle the health care needs of these groups.


Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. L. (Eds.) (2018). Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Zacccagnini, M. E., & White, K. W. (Eds.) (2017). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced Practice Nursing (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. Cultural Considerations in Nursing