Dental Hygiene Resume Essay

Dental hygiene program at college

At the age of eighteen years back in 2006, I envisioned a being dental hygienist. In a bid to bring my vision to life, I enrolled in a community college to start this path; I knew it would be a challenge due to the long waiting lists at the community college. Later on, I heard of Herzing University and enrolled in their dental assistant program and graduated in May 2009. Since my graduation, I have worked as a full- time dental assistant to date. What drew me to this field of study was the prestige that came with being a dentist, According to the U.S News and World Report, Dental Hygiene ranks as number five in the best top one hundred best jobs in America. In addition to that, a career in dental hygiene offers an opportunity for interaction between the patient and the professional. I find this appealing since; the satisfaction that comes with knowing that you have helped another human being live a better life or you have solved someonets problem is priceless. Moreover, a career in dental hygiene is known to offer competitive salaries to their professionals thus allowing them to have better standards of living which all of us seek.Dental Hygiene Resume Essay

Most people have the notion that dental hygiene is just brushing their teeth twice a day; in the morning and when they go to bed. It is not the case, for one to achieve oral hygiene one has to floss their teeth, brush them for approximately two minutes and later cleanse them with an oral rinse. I expect to overcome this challenge by installing in my clients and people around me the importance of performing the three things so as to beat bad breath, cavities, and gum sensitivities. By doing this, I will have achieved my objective of overcoming the notion that dental hygiene is just a routine task of brushing teeth.


Dental assistant experience

Having worked as a dental assistant for the past eight years, I have acquired vast hands-on experience in handling clients as well as being a good team player. I am focused on my work, and I work to perfection. Contrary, my greatest weakness is being nervous when handling patients who are not of my race. Coming from a minority race here in the United States, I have had bad experiences with clients who are discriminative. However, this has not deterred me from handling them. It is a weakness that I have tried to overcome by just understanding the client and not taking their comments personally.Dental Hygiene Resume Essay

I believe my passion for dental hygiene, makes me the best candidate for the dental hygiene program at Herzing University. Having worked for eight years as a dental assistant, I have learnt through observation of what dentistry is all about; therefore, my learning process will be much easier. Furthermore, a chance in this program will create an opportunity for me to acquire all the necessary skills I need to pursue my dream career and serve humanity in the best way possible as I make a living out of it. Dental Hygiene Resume Essay