Depression In Women Assignment Discussion Paper

People who suffer from various mental health issues are more likely to suffer from depression, especially severe depressive disorder. Depression ranks third in terms of global illness burden when suicide and stroke deaths induced by depression are included. Society may be reducing women’s roles as housewives and mothers, and it has been argued. Meanwhile, women who work outside the home may face job discrimination and injustice, or they may find it challenging to juggle the demands of being a mother and a wife. Gender-based violence affects one in three women at some point in their life (Organization, 2021)Depression In Women Assignment Discussion Paper. For women who have experienced gender-based violence, the likelihood of getting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which may lead to depression, is increased. As a result of skewed income distribution and low pay, women constitute the world’s most underpaid workforce (Organization, 2021). To close the gender wage gap, it will take 170 years at the current pace of progress.


Women with inferiority complexes are more prone to mental health disorders, including depression. According to a new study, girls are more likely to suffer from depression than boys because they spend more time on social media and are subjected to online bullying. Three-quarters of females who suffer from depression, according to new research, have a lack of self-esteem and are unhappy with their appearance. Children’s self-esteem may suffer due to their exposure to the abundant lives shown on social media sites like Instagram and Snapchat. Females are encouraged to participate in sexual and drug-related activities by the portrayal of these behaviors on television. It is typical for STDs, which may be demoralizing, to be a result of sexual impropriety. Depression is caused by a combination of genetics and hormones, according to scientific evidence. In some instances, a person’s genetic predispositions and environmental factors may interact. A robust social network may help you overcome depression, even if it runs in your family. There are many more biochemical and hormonal elements that might contribute to depression. Depressive symptoms are more common in pregnant women, experiencing fertility issues, or experiencing irregular menstruation (Gregory, 2021)Depression In Women Assignment Discussion Paper. Psychological depression affects women more than males. During a depressed episode, women are more likely to repeat negative thoughts because of their emotional nature. According to a study, focusing on your grief might prolong and even worsen it, even if sobbing and talking to friends are common responses.

On the other hand, guys are more likely to focus on their symptoms, which has been shown to shorten the duration of their depression. The stress-induced sadness and negative body image that women face are more common than that of men. Women with high progesterone levels are more prone to stress. Girls are more likely to worry about their body image throughout adolescence than boys (Gregory, 2021).


Women are twice as likely as males to suffer from depression, according to little-known gender prejudice. According to one evolutionary idea, sorrow may be used as a bargaining tool by social partners to boost their support in times of need. According to an evolutionary model of fury, individuals with a solid upper body are more likely to lash out at social partners who don’t reward them or punish them too harshly. According to our theory, those who are physically strong and physically weak may be enraged, and those who may be saddened by social partners who provide inadequate benefits or expend high costs. To get what they want, males are more prone to utilize fury and aggression, while women are more likely to use desperation. Distress and wrath are more common in women because of the difference in upper-body strength between men and women. The New York Times (French, 2002) article about depression: The following format was provided: According to an interview with a 45-year-old Japanese lady, she confided in an old friend about her sadness and revealed that on her days off from work, she sat on a stool in the kitchen and regularly pondered hurling herself in front of a train. If that wasn’t bad enough, when I told her I was ill, she yelled at me and made it clear that she didn’t want to be friends with someone who was sick (Falicov, 2003)Depression In Women Assignment Discussion Paper