Determining the Credibility of Evidence And Resources Discussion

When doing nursing research, the data acquired should be precise, current, and originate from a reliable source. The healthcare environment is changing as new research and evidence become available. When a nurse confronts a diagnosis or condition with which she is unfamiliar, it is vital that she get the necessary information in order to safely treat the patient. To guarantee that our patient has the greatest possible outcome, we must first establish which sources are reliable and which are not. The best available evidence should be provided via information resources. A Vila Health nurse is presented with a patient suffering from preeclampsia, a diagnosis she is unfamiliar with Determining the Credibility of Evidence And Resources Discussion.


An Evidence-Based Approach

Preeclampsia is a potentially fatal disorder that may occur during pregnancy. Preeclampsia during pregnancy raises the risk of complications such as placental abruption, seizures, renal failure, hepatic failure, stillbirth, pulmonary edema, and DIC (Dymara et al., 2018). The patient’s primary immediate outcome is attained by integrating an evidence-based strategy with hospital policy. Evidence-based practice attempts to deliver safe and effective care while simultaneously detecting possible risks and giving current information on treatments and regimens. Several investigations and research have been undertaken to find the most efficient way to focus on a preeclampsia patient. It is the second cause of maternal death, and if detected, evidence-based treatments may help minimize the risk or severity of adverse health outcomes for both the mother and the newborn (Grove & Gray, 2018)Determining the Credibility of Evidence And Resources Discussion.

Criteria to Determine Credibility

It may be challenging to determine the credibility of research, especially with the large amount of data accessible on the internet. Check if the article meets a specific set of criteria to establish the credibility of a resource. The first stage is to establish if the article is still current and relevant after five years. The next step is to determine who authored the article and who runs the website for the article. Sites that finish with in .org, .edu, and .gov include the Mayo Clinic, AWHONN ACOG, and hospital policies. These sources will give more reliable information than an article posted on the site. The last stage is to determine if the supplied information is scientifically valid and peer-reviewed (Dang & Dearholt, 2017)Determining the Credibility of Evidence And Resources Discussion.

Evidence-Based Solution

Johns Hopkins University offers one of the best evidence-based practice techniques. This approach blends inquiry, practice, and learning. Inquiry may be used by nurses to obtain and interpret information. They may then use this information in their everyday practice in order to give excellent care to patients. This process includes assessments, implementation, and care planning. Then, by analyzing the practice’s outcomes, nurses may learn and develop skills to give the best possible practice to patients (Grove & Gray, 2018)Determining the Credibility of Evidence And Resources Discussion. By using this approach to a patient with preeclampsia, a nurse might query and research distributions to understand the sickness relationship. By researching evidence-based writing, they may be able to choose the best strategy for caring for and teaching their patients. Nurses may then use this information to develop a care plan for the patient and regularly monitor the outcomes of their care.

Evidence-based Study on Pre-eclampsia

Using the model above, we can look at a study on early screening and low-dose Aspirin in pregnant women to avoid preeclampsia. The published article in the study was produced and peer-reviewed in 2021, making it relevant to today’s patients. According to the findings, practitioners may use serum research levels, dopplers, and clinical findings to establish whether a pregnant woman is at risk for preeclampsia. These women are then given a prescription for low-dose ibuprofen to help them prevent preeclampsia later in their pregnancy. Although the headache treatment was demonstrated to be beneficial in avoiding preeclampsia in high-risk women, the researchers determined that a better strategy for screening women to identify whether they are at risk was necessary (Nirupama et al., 2021)Determining the Credibility of Evidence And Resources Discussion.

According to an article on prospective new preeclampsia testing and treatments, providers may be able to begin employing more screening devices. In screening procedures, a fraction of risk delineation is utilized, which uses proportions of proangiogenic and antiangiogenic components, as well as other predictive features, in a calculation to discover a patient’s risk level. These tests and techniques have been shown to be cost-effective, safe, and efficient (Dymara et al., 2018). This article was freshly prepared and peer-reviewed by subject matter experts, making it topical and relevant to current practice.



Preeclampsia is a persistent and sometimes fatal pregnancy illness. A treatment plan for pregnant women who are at risk of developing preeclampsia should include evidence-based treatment. Identifying which patients are at risk and supporting them in avoiding the condition may go a long way toward improving both mother and child’s health and preventing future complications. Determining the Credibility of Evidence And Resources Discussion