Diabetes Care: Leadership and Strategy Plan

Diabetes is a condition in which a person has high blood sugar. According to medical research, it can be due to inadequate production of insulin. Secondly, it can be because the cells of the body are not responding well to insulin (Hitman, 1999). The latter description fits the type 2 diabetes (International Diabetes Federation, 2012). Both conditions can also trigger diabetes.Diabetes Care: Leadership and Strategy Plan

Recent statistics shows, only 10% of the population remains aware of the concerns (CDC, 2014). The rest of the U.S. demographics remain under a tangible threat. According to the research, only 9.6% of the American population was recorded as having diabetes in 2014 (Apha.org, 2015).

Diabetes rates are gradually rising in the US. Millions of people are uninformed that they have the disease. Projections demonstrate that without interventions, the number of those with the disease will continue to grow (Baur, 2010).Diabetes Care: Leadership and Strategy Plan

Rationale for Project Selection

Diabetes has become one of the most prevalent diseases. Current statistics reveals that more than 18 million Americans have diabetes. They are also at risk for associated complications like blindness, stroke, amputations, heart disease, and kidney disease. Proper guidance on the treatment and care of such people can be of great importance.

On average, every 25 seconds, someone in the United States is diagnosed with diabetes. It is only prudent to have a project specially targeting this medical unit.

SWOT Analysis and Strategic Planning

Raising awareness of people on diabetes will bring significant achievements. As a result, it will lead to decrease of the development of diabetes. People will pay close attention to their lifestyle, their health and possible arising symptoms (Johnson, 2012).


Apart from the programs and websites, the media coverage will have a far-reaching positive effect. The government is paying more attention to the problem and has continued to allocate funds to similar educational incentives (Novick, Shi & Johnson, 2014)

Apart from funds from the federal or state budget, numerous charities may provide additional funds. Social networks will also help draw young people’s attention as they are major systems’ users.

It is impossible to have a strategic plan without a SWOT analysis. Strategic planning uses the strengths of the project and ability to predict challenges as well as ways to overcome them (Bauer, 2014).

The project administrator will have to use the SWOT analysis to make important decisions especially when it comes to changes in the project. As new circumstances appear, the administrator has to be ready to respond. A proper SWOT analysis often contains the vast majority of challenges.Diabetes Care: Leadership and Strategy Plan

The administrator can allocate funds to facilitate strengths of the program and mitigate certain weaknesses. A proper SWOT analysis is crucial for efficient strategic planning.

The current system of information should get to the target audience. However, an adequate solution to the lope holes in the healthcare system of the state should get attention.

Key Stakeholders and the Level of Engagement

Insurance companies need to provide better insurance terms to individuals so that everyone gets the medical help they require. Employers can provide sound working environments to its workers at the place of work.

It is good to use schools, communities, health care providers and teachers in educating people. The students and parents must learn the importance of healthy behaviors (i.e. physical activity, nutrition). When we adapt to this kind of learning, we will reduce their risk for diabetes (Ndep.nih.gov, 2014).Diabetes Care: Leadership and Strategy Plan

Communities can provide environments that promote healthier lifestyles. They can do so by improving their nutrition and increasing their physical activity. Community organizations can partner with business groups, government agencies and others for example by developing walking trails, sidewalks with distance markers and messages which can help encourage exercise.

Health care providers play a crucial role in the prevention and control of diabetes. Medical providers are among the most important health messengers, and patients are likely to adopt new behaviors when instructed by their health practitioners to do so (Baur, 2010).

Leadership Approach to Execute the Plan

A leader needs to be the change agent for him or her to achieve the anticipated objectives. I need to encourage and empower my colleagues. Working in a team is helpful to attain collaboration and assistance.

It is good to polish the skill of working in culturally, socially and ethnically diverse environment. Of great importance also is the inclusion of all social groups into the work process. Development of the conflict management and resolution skills is significant.


Apha.org,. (2015). Web.

Bauer, J. (2014). Paradox and Imperatives in Health Care. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.Diabetes Care: Leadership and Strategy Plan

Baur, C. (2010). National action plan to improve health literacy. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

CDC,. (2014). Registry of recognized programs. Web.

Hitman, G. (1999). Type 2 diabetes. Chichester: J. Wiley. International Diabetes Federation,. (2012). Global guideline for type 2 diabetes. Web.

Johnson, T.D. (2012). Prevention and public health fund paying off in communities: Success threatened by cuts to fund. The Nation’s Health, (2012) (pp42(6), 1-31).

Ndep.nih.gov,. (2014). Redesigning the Health Care Team: Diabetes Prevention and Lifelong Management. Web.

Novick, L., Shi, L., & Johnson, J. (2014). Novick & Morrow’s public health administration. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Diabetes Care: Leadership and Strategy Plan