Discussion 1- HPV Vaccine Essay

The proposed SIP project seeks to compare the influence of educating parents and non-pregnant teenagers about HPV vaccine versus usual education practice at the women’s health clinic on HPV vaccine uptake. Towards this end, participants will be recruited and outcomes compared for the intervention (new patient education approach) and standard (usual patient education approach) groups. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis of the proposed project reveals some unique feature. With regards to strengths, three have been identified. Firstly, the project engages participants from the population of interest thereby providing primary data that objectively informs the research topic. Secondly, it makes use of standard approaches that are easy to interpret. The same education approaches will be used with performance compared in terms of HPV vaccine uptake. Discussion 1- HPV Vaccine Essay


Thirdly, the project compared the performance of the research group against the performance of the standard group thus creating a clear contrast of the two patient education approaches (Harris et al., 2016; Moran, Conrad & Burson, 2016). With regards to the weakness, two have been identified. Firstly, the participants are aware of the study and this may influence their performance in terms of seeking the HPV vaccine. Secondly, it is difficult to identify and control all relevant variables that might distort the relationship between the dependent and independent variables identified within the study. For instance, the research may cause the participants to have an interest on HPV thereby researching the topic and influencing their behavior to be vaccinated. With regards to opportunities, one has been identified. The existing statistics on HPV infection among teenage girls can be leveraged in the patient education to improve their awareness of the virus and influence them towards seeking vaccination. With regards to threats, two were identified. Firstly, participation in the study is voluntary with the participants allowed to withdraw at their discretion. This is a threat since it will influence the amount of data collected. This threat will be minimized by recruiting a large number of participants that anticipates withdrawals. Secondly, researcher bias presents a threat. This threat will be addressed by ensuring that the project is conducted objectively and not subjectively (Harris et al., 2016; Moran, Conrad & Burson, 2016). Discussion 1- HPV Vaccine Essay


Harris, J., Roussel, L., Dearman, C., & Thomas, T. (2016). Project Planning & Management: A Guide for Nurses and Interprofessional Teams. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Moran, K., Conrad, D., & Burson, R. (2016). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarly Project: A Framework for Success (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Discussion 1- HPV Vaccine Essay