Discussion of Cancer & Radiology

Defining the concept of metastasis, it can be said that it is the spread of tumor cells from the place of origin (primary tumor) to other parts and organs of the patient’s body. The main ways of spreading metastases are two: the vessels of the lymphatic system (lymphogenous metastasis) and the blood vessels of the circulatory system (hematogenous metastasis). Thus, metastases are cancer cells that detached from the primary tumor and started their “journey” through the vessels.Discussion of Cancer & Radiology

Carcinoma is a kind of malignant tumors that develop from the epithelial tissue of various organs. According to Kwabi-Addo & Lindstrom (2011), this is a hidden and initial stage of the onset of cancer, when the signs of the disease are not yet visible. In general, the cells of internal organs, skin epithelium and mucous membranes are affected.

Chemotherapy is the treatment of a malignant disease with the help of poisons and toxins that have a harmful effect on malignant tumor cells with a relatively lower negative effect on the host organism. A poison or toxin is called chemo drug, or a chemotherapeutic agent. Drug antitumor therapy (chemotherapy) can be preoperative, postoperative or prophylactic and curative, that is, relating to certain manifestations of the tumor.Discussion of Cancer & Radiology


Describing some procedures, it can be said that Computed Tomography (CT or CAT) is one of the key methods for diagnosing internal organs and systems, using multi-layer scanning due to x-rays. Thus, a whole series of X-ray images of organs obtained from different points and at different angles is performed. Using a computer, all images are processed, and eventually a three-dimensional image of the body is modeled. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is based on the same principle: obtaining an array of data and modeling a three-dimensional image of the organ on its basis. The difference with CT is in the nature of the waves: with the use of MRI, they are electromagnetic. It means that different parts of the tissues give a different “answer” under their action, and the receiving device of the apparatus fixes this result.

To continue, ultrasonic sonography is a method of instrumental, non-invasive examination by means of ultrasound. It should be noted that ultrasound is an effective method of diagnosis, which is used in many areas of medicine. Radiography is a method of radionuclide diagnostics: graphical recording of changes in the intensity of radioactive radiation of organs (tissues) as a function of time elapsed after the introduction of a radiopharmaceutical in the body. The basis for such changes is the disintegration of the radionuclide, the redistribution of the drug in the body and the removal of it from the body.


Kwabi-Addo, B. & Lindstrom, T. Cancer Causes and Controversies: Understanding Risk Reduction and Prevention. Praeger, 2011.Discussion of Cancer & Radiology