Discussion Of Ethical Issues In Nursing Field Essay Paper

Great post! I like your discussion of ethical issues that you have questions about regarding your future practice. Without a doubt, telemedicine has raised a number of ethical concerns that we should all be concerned about. The advent of telehealth is intended to augment rather than replace the personal interaction that exists between patients and physicians. Notwithstanding the growth in the number of telehealth systems, there have been a number of barriers in the healthcare industry, such as threats to the confidentiality of patients and physicians. To provide services to people who have been suffering from serious illnesses for a long period of time and need specific management and treatment from physicians, there should be an increase in the proportion of medical training requirements.


According to Crom et al. (2020), the problem of physical interaction between physicians and patients, which is critical in defining trust between the two parties and gaining focus, has also presented a challenge to nurses. The strong connection that exists between a patient and a health care professional can be jeopardized because some patients need frequent visits and the development of a good connection with them in order to enhance their health state. This physical link has been supplanted by virtual relationships, which enables physicians to have minimal face-to-face interactions with their patients, despite what many people believe. In contrast to the past, continued technological communication will damage this physical interaction, leading to a reduction in the overall quality of care delivered by nurses.

The satisfaction of patients in telehealth, as well as the subject of family concern, have been identified as a source of worry for healthcare organizations by Edelman et al. (2020). It is important to ensure that patients are content with the service. Nevertheless, it is also important to distinguish between the patient’s perspective on the new healthcare technology and not compel them to adopt the telehealth system with various clinical requirements.


Crom, A., Paap, D., Wijma, A., Dijkstra, P. U., & Pool, G. (2019). Between the lines: A qualitative phenomenological analysis of the therapeutic alliance in pediatric physical therapy. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics, 40(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/01942638.2019.1610138

Edelman, L. S., McConnell, E. S., Kennerly, S. M., Alderden, J., Horn, S. D., & Yap, T. L. (2020). Mitigating the effects of a pandemic: Facilitating improved nursing home care delivery through technology. JMIR Aging, 3(1), e20110. https://doi.org/10.2196/20110 Discussion Of Ethical Issues In Nursing Field Essay Paper

Discuss ethical issues that you have questions about regarding your future practices. One of the ethical concerns for future practice is protecting the privacy of the patient with tele-health visits. Since the Covid pandemic, the use of tele-medicine visits has increased drastically and has provided a convenience for patients that needed to be seen by a provider but also provided some safety for the patient and the provider due to the lack of an in person visit. One interesting publication that I encountered mentioned the potential for a third-party breach due to the third-party interaction with electronic medical records and the platforms utilized with tele health visits. Some of these patient encounters may be covered under privacy laws but some of these interactions may carry additional risks. The potential for a data breach with tele health, hackers, and potentially a data breach from the software developers is a possibility to consider. Also, a patient’s home computer might have software that could potentially cause a data breach or be able to access encrypted data (Chaet et. al, 2017). Another potential concern of tele medicine is encountered if the patient is not alone for the tele-health visit. Protected health information may be accidentally released and accidentally overheard by other family members present in the home. One of the methods that can help prevent this issue is asking the patient if they are alone on this visit, or if there are other family members present, if they give consent to continue the meeting with the family member present. Another technique is to ask the patient to go in a quiet area where they can be alone and have privacy. Another potential ethical issue can arise if the provider is working from home, shares an office, or performs the visits in an area where other people can interfere. The provider should be in a quiet location, alone, without any disturbances. Since the Covid pandemic, many people work from home so family members for both the patient and potentially the provider (if the provider is working from home) could potentially unintentionally have an unintentional breach of patient privacy. Tele-health visits can be a powerful tool if used correctly. The convenience can help improve patient compliance, promote safety for the patient and the provider, and is an excellent resource for patients in rural areas or without adequate transportation. Chaet, D., Clearfield, R., Sabin, J. E., Skimming, K., & Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs American Medical Association (2017). Ethical practice in Telehealth and Telemedicine. Journal of general internal medicine, 32(10), 1136–1140. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-017-4082-2 Discussion Of Ethical Issues In Nursing Field Essay Paper