Disseminating The DNP Project Essay Discussion Paper

The proposed DNP practice change project focuses on utilizing PHQ 9 tool to diagnose major depressive disorder. The project results will be disseminated in a manner that is reflective of what transpired in the project. In this case, the dissemination is perceived as the actions involved in getting the project findings to the stakeholders/persons who can make use of them. For that matter, the focus of dissemination on maximizing the project benefits without delay (Grove & Gray, 2020). Towards this end, four principles have been identified as informing the selected dissemination strategies. First, understanding the service context of the research and getting influential opinion leaders on board to act as champions. Leaders in psychiatry and mental health will be helpful in this regard. Second, utilizing opportunities by building partnerships with established networks, and making use of existing events and conferences to raise awareness of the project and exchange knowledge. Third, formatting the outputs in formats appropriate for the users as well as a language that is available to them. This considers the range of tailored outputs for the audience as appropriate, such as the public, clinicians, researchers, patients and decision makers. Fourth, engaging the targeted stakeholders by identifying the primary audience, engaging them early, keeping in touch with them and involving them in aspects of the project. This helps in creating pull among the audience for the project (DeNisco, 2020)Disseminating The DNP Project Essay Discussion Paper


Given this understanding, four strategies have been identified as appropriate for disseminating the results. First, publishing the project outcomes in journals and other publications (Garcia-Dia, 2019). The helps in delivering the project results to a large audience that includes a wide range of individuals and organizations to include policy makers, industry, consumers, other researchers, and the wider community. In addition, this approach subjects the project results to peer review to ensure that it meets high standards of nursing discipline (Schmidt & Brown, 2019). Second, presenting the findings in professional association meetings and conferences (Garcia-Dia, 2019). This strategy offers access to authorities in the profession/subject. Through presenting the project findings in meetings and conferences, there is an opportunity to compare the project against current industry technologies, services and trends, and enhance general knowledge about the project topic. Besides that, they (meetings and conferences) act as forums for objective discussions that scrutinize and question the project results, thereby helping in determining its veracity (Hall & Roussel, 2022)Disseminating The DNP Project Essay Discussion Paper.

Third, summarizing the project findings in a report (Garcia-Dia, 2019). This strategy helps in delivering the project results to the course instructors. Through the report, the course instructors are able to track the project progress against the original plan. This is a good source of learning as the instructors would indicate areas that need improvements or changes. Besides that, the report demonstrates the ability to practice and lead at the highest level of clinical nursing practice, particularly the ability to systematically translate the best current evidence into practice (Joel, 2018). Fourth, creating and distributing pamphlets, leaflets, brochures, and flyers that summarize the project results (Garcia-Dia, 2019). These contain short and simple information that help in creating awareness and attracting the audience by offering clear information that the audience can easily process compared to the longer, more complicated reports (Hall & Roussel, 2022). Overall, the project results will be disseminated through publishing the outcomes in journals and other publications, presenting the findings in professional association meetings and conferences, summarizing findings in a project report, and creating and distributing pamphlets and flyers as program materials Disseminating The DNP Project Essay Discussion Paper.


DeNisco, S. M. (2020). Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Garcia-Dia, M. (2019). Project Management in Nursing Informatics. Springer Publishing Company.

Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2022). Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice (8th ed.). Elsevier Inc.

Hall, H. R., & Roussel, L. A. (2022). Evidence-Based Practice: An Integrative Approach to Research, Administration, and Practice (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

Joel, L. A. (2018). Advanced Practice Nursing: Essentials for Role Development (4th ed.). F.A. Davis Company.

Schmidt, N., & Brown, J. (2019). Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. Disseminating The DNP Project Essay Discussion Paper

Disseminating the DNP Project



The purpose of this assignment is to examine opportunities to disseminate your DNP project outside the practicum site.


Reflect on your readings this week and respond to the following:

  1. Identify at least one venue or source that would be an appropriate choice for the dissemination of your DNP project outside the practicum site. This could be a scholarly journal, a professional conference, an online nursing forum, etc.
  2. Evaluate how the selected venue or source would align with your proposed DNP practice change project

(the proposed DNP practice change project is Utilizing PHQ 9 tool to diagnose Major Depressive Disorder).