Doctor-Patient Relationship And Planning


Healthcare reform issues discuss the access, amounts, fairness and quality delivered by the government for facilitating provision of rights to healthcare. The paper aims to integrate the healthcare reform issue of doctor-patient relationships, with the healthcare management issue of planning. The doctor-patient relationships will remain the cornerstone of healthcare. It explains the medium through which, compliance, planning and diagnosis is achieved, which aids in activating, healing and supporting the patient.Doctor-Patient Relationship And Planning


The Issue

I am interested in the issue of doctor-patient relationship and planning. In my opinion, the doctor-patient relationships are significant to the success of any organization, whether it is an inpatient facility or outpatient. Patients will not want to return to the organization if they do not have a good relationship with their physician. It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that the patient’s needs are being met. Patient satisfaction must be considered as the top priority of a healthcare organization, because the patient is the client and if the client is dissatisfied then the practice is not a success, like any other business. Doctor-patient relationships could improve in a variety of different ways. 1) Doctors will have more access to patient files from other healthcare organizations. 2) Continuity of care will improve. 3) Patients will have greater access to doctors which, for some people who cannot afford healthcare, will improve their health greatly. 4) Decreasing the cost of healthcare will also improve doctor patient relationships as people will not be stressed about the cost when going to the doctor. Likewise, effective and efficient planning is the key to achieve prolific doctor-patient relationships.


Planning aids in achieving the mutual goals and objectives of an organization. It assists in organization of activities, through a carefully defined process of thinking, in order to achieve the desired goals of an organization. Since, doctor and patient are bound in a working relationship and are working towards achieving the same goal. Therefore, the issue arises when planning is not integrated with the doctor-patient relationship in order to initiate an effective thought process towards reaching the mutual goal of the patient and the doctor.Doctor-Patient Relationship And Planning

Doctor-Patient Relationships

The effective doctor-patient relationships results in patient activation, healing and support of the patient. This relationship is very rightly celebrated as the beating heart of the American healthcare system (Globe Editorial, 2010). The patient’s usually entrusts himself to the doctor’s care, which creates definite ethical obligations on the doctor. Through mutual working of doctor and the patient enhances the potential to significantly improve the health status and quality of life for the patient. The historical model of doctor-patient relationship is based upon the trust of patient in the professional authority of his doctor. It was strongly believed that the doctor’s action would greatly benefit the patient’s condition, which results in the overriding of the patient preferences. This paternalistic model of doctor’s professional authority flourished for centuries.Doctor-Patient Relationship And Planning