Domestic Terrorism Essay Discussion Paper

Part 1.

Terrorism is defined as the intentional use violence or a threat of violence that contravene the law. In fact, the act must be intended to achieve a social, religious, economic or political objective that sends a message to, intimidates or coerces a large audience beyond the immediate victims. Also, the action must be beyond the scope or context of legitimate warfare, such as targeting civilians, public institutions and children who are not actively engaged in war activities. The US defines domestic terrorism as a terrorist incidence whose perpetrator is an American and the incidence occurs within America such that there is no foreign involvement or sponsorship. An example is the Timothy McVeigh bombing incidence that occurred in April of 1995 in Oklahoma City’s Alfred P. Murrah Building. On the other hand, international terrorism involves perpetrators and victims of different nationalities with an element of foreign participation or sponsorship. For instance, the September 11 attacks that targeted the Twin Towers in New York and Pentagon. America’s response to terrorism is based on the associated definition and whether it is domestic or international. This is based on the awareness that although the two acts are similar, the motivations and actors are different. As a result, although America considers both domestic and international terrorism as criminal in nature and requiring judicial and policing responses, the actors and motivation also determine the response. The responses assigned to domestic terrorism is likely to change and become as serious as the response assigned to international terrorism. That is because there is an increasing consensus whatever form terrorism takes, it is still terrorism and requires strict response to preempt future acts of terrorism (Pearce, 2015)Domestic Terrorism Essay Discussion Paper.


Part 2.

Blum (n.d.) mentions that the most effective strategy for preventing further acts of terrorism against the USA would entail elimination the anti-American motivation of the terrorist through changing foreign policy. The proposed solution makes an assumption that limits is capacity for success. It makes the assumption that terrorists are truly motivated by American foreign policy and they would be willing to consider American a friend should the foreign policy change. It is important to note that America does not only have a responsibility to ensure national safety, but must also act as a superpower in ensuring that the rest of the world is kept in check. This means that it must always adopt a policy of interference and cannot afford not to interfere when massacres go on in the rest of the world. The truth is that changing foreign policy and reducing military spending would only expose America to most tragic terrorist acts (Pearce, 2015)Domestic Terrorism Essay Discussion Paper.


Blum, W. (n.d.). Why terrorists hate America. Retrieved from

Pearce, J. (ed.) (2015). Investigating terrorism: current political, legal and psychological issues. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

\”Terrorism\” Please respond to the following: Compare and contrast the American response to acts of domestic terrorism with acts of international terrorism. Predict at least one (1) way these responses may change within the next five (5) years. Provide a rationale for your prediction. From the e-Activity, debate the extent to which the author’s solutions to preventing further acts of terrorism against the United States are feasible. Question the degree to which these solutions would be successful. Provide justification for your response **e-Activity** Domestic Terrorism Essay Discussion Paper