Drug Abuse Assignment Paper

The website under review is www.medicalnewstoday.com, which provides the reader with information about the effects of drug abuse. To evaluate this website, the best approach is the CRAAP criteria which abbreviates the currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose of the content (Meriam Library, 2010). The site was last medically reviewed on June 17 2020, which makes the information provided current and therefore, relevant. Older sources would also work for this site because effects of drug abuse remain the same across generations. In terms of relevance, the site provides clear and direct information on the effects of drug abuse and provides definitions and examples of the same. The target audience for this website appears to be the general population. The authors are Dr. Sirisha Yellayi and Jamie Eske, who are qualified to write on this topic because they are medical doctors. The information provided in the website however, does not include its sources. The authors write without referencing their information. Lastly, the website appears to carry informative information, to teach readers on various medical topics. The information provided is based on facts and is objective.Drug Abuse Assignment Paper


            I would recommend this website to a patient to read about the effects of drug abuse because it provides detailed information with examples, and the information is reliable because the authors are medical doctors and therefore, knowledgeable about the topic. The same information found on medline.gov is provided by qualified physicians and is detailed to include definition of drugs, how to identify a drug problem, and its effects on an individual. The main difference between the information in the two articles is that in the first article, the authors immediately delve into describing the various effects of drug abuse, while the authors in the second website begin with descriptions and an overview of the topic.


Meriam Library. (2010). Evaluating Information –Applying the CRAAP Test [Ebook]. Retrieved 22 October 2020, from https://libguides.csuchico.edu/LiteratureReviews?p=2822716.

Yellayi, S., & Eske, J. (2020). Effects of drug abuse: Physical and psychological. Medicalnewstoday.com. Retrieved 22 October 2020, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/effects-of-drug-abuse#treatment. Drug Abuse Assignment Paper