Dualism in Science and Spirituality Essay Discussion Paper

How are science and spiritual worldviews similar, and how do they differ? This is a fundamental question whose crucial element is connection. Many people are supportive of science and also identify with spirituality. However, there is uncertainty on how to connect the two worldviews. This is especially the case when talking about the world around us, problems expressed in the world, and how to resolve them. While spirituality and science may appear opposite, there are intersections and connections (Taylor, 2018). This essay explores how science and spirituality perceive the world with a focus on the existing Dualism in Science and Spirituality Essay Discussion Paper.


Spirituality is a unique concept that is different from religion. In fact, religion is based on teachings and scriptures that are limited, and prescribed laws and rules. A religion guides the way of life with rigidity and boundaries. In contrast, spirituality is an experience on integrity that focuses on finding the meaning of life, and providing a foundation for values that guide behavior. Pursuing spirituality involves practicing the science of human growth for transforming the self and world through purity (Taylor, 2018). Spirituality has four main features. First, it is the process of self-transformation from an impure consciousness to a pure consciousness that achieves inner prosperity, happiness and peace. Second, it is the process of balance between karma (sum of all actions through present and past lives) and dharma (decree/law that dictate what is right and wrong). Third, it is the inner journey to discover inner peace with a focus on expanding the capability to live, learn and love. Fourth, it is a positive attitude that looks at the best in everything and everyone (Miller, 2021). In this respect, spirituality is a guide and teacher that pursues piousness in the process of life, providing stability to oneself while keeping an individual moving in a positive direction Dualism in Science and Spirituality Essay Discussion Paper.

Whereas spirituality is intangible, science is tangible as it brings factual, true knowledge with evidence and logic. Science developed from efforts to question religious beliefs, even as rational knowledge is pursued. As more scientific discoveries are made, so is the religious belief systems questioned. In essence, science applies a rational approach through working with proofs and logic. From developing an understanding of the universe to life, sound, light, time, as well as the shape of the earth, science has always applied proofs and logic. What was once believed to exist because of religious beliefs (including various superstitions), were either proved or disapproved with facts through scientific discoveries (Newberg, 2018)Dualism in Science and Spirituality Essay Discussion Paper.

The shift from religion to science, although gradual, was disconcerting. The shift involved accepting the industrial revolution, going through the millennial lifestyle, experiencing rising standards of living and aloofness, as well as increasing emotional weaknesses so that more people report mental health concerns. It is these changes that caused the development of spiritualism, with more people seeking refuge in spirituality for solace that makes the changes easier to cope with (Griffen, 2020). Looking at this from another perspective, no matter how much scientific knowledge is developed and proven, there is always an understanding that there is much more left unknown. The knowledge that has been developed through science is very little when compared to the vast mysteries of the world, and it is spirituality that fills the knowledge gaps and helps humans to answer the mysteries left unanswered by science so that the human curiosities are positively addressed (Griffen, 2020)Dualism in Science and Spirituality Essay Discussion Paper.

This indicates that spirituality is scientific, as it examines the world and its nature, just as a science does. In fact, spirituality looks at the world to answer questions about what is the world, where does it come from, what happens to it, how does one perceive it, how does it change over time, and how does it end. Spirituality looks at everything, all the cosmic processes, making of the world and its eventual dissolution. This shows that spirituality is very scientific (Levy, 2018).

However, spirituality goes beyond science. While science stops at the world (what can be seen in the world), spirituality goes beyond the world to like at the self, while exploring the connections between the world and self, as well as where the two (world and self) overlap. This shows that there are two aspects of spirituality. First, spirituality makes a scientific observation of the world. A mind cannot be spiritual if it is not scientific. If the mind does not know the world, then it cannot move beyond the world. Knowing the world, its cunningness, its suffering, its games and its movement is important in spiritualism. In essence, one aspect of spirituality is that a spiritual mind must have an understanding of the world. Second, spirituality involves faith in moving beyond a scientific understanding of the world. A spiritual person understands the world and sees the worldly influences, but has faith that there is something beyond the worldly influence. If there are only worldly influences, that that would imply that people are meant to suffer. But if people are not meant to suffer, then that means that there is something beyond the worldly influences that cause human suffering, and it is this that is perceived as faith. In this respect, spirituality is attention and faith, with both aspects of spirituality helping individuals to go further and not merely as a mental apparition (Levy, 2018)Dualism in Science and Spirituality Essay Discussion Paper.


Also, science and spirituality can be considered from three other contexts. First, technology context looks at how science led to evolutions in how man adapts to the environment, to include development of machine learning, robotics and artificial intelligence. With continued scientific developments, there have been more significant differences between countries and communities. From the earliest guns that allowed some communities to dominate others, to nuclear power that continue the dominance trends, it is clear that while science solves human problems, it creates differences. In contrast, spirituality helps to bridge the differences by acting as a commonality irrespective of background. If a country is to develop nuclear power (science), then spirituality argues that the nuclear power should be used for developing nuclear weapons used in defense and not attacks, and nuclear power that generates electricity for the community (Newberg, 2018).

Second, environmental context looks at how the environment can be used. Science allows humans to exploit the environment to gain resources. Spirituality ensures that even as the environment is exploited, this is done in a sustainable manner so that even as the resources are exploited and used, the environment is not destroyed and the resources are replenished where possible. Third, social context looks at the position of the community. Science ensures that wealth is grown to achieve better life, while spirituality seeks to promote equality, social cohesion and brotherhood. In the three contexts, science encourages rational thinking that is devoid of superstition while spirituality allows for rational thinking that incorporates spirituality (Newberg, 2018)Dualism in Science and Spirituality Essay Discussion Paper.

For science, that which cannot be detected is assumed not to exist. On the other hand, spirituality accepts that scientific instruments are limited and their inability to detect something does not mean that it does not exist. This shows that while science is arrogant and considers itself infallible, spirituality lacks the arrogance of science. This makes it clear that spirituality is a honest, deeply scientific search for the truth that transcends science. Without spirituality, science is vulnerable and incomplete. Such science (without spirituality) is likely to be exploited and misused by vested interests as it would only work for those who pay for science thereby satisfying greed rather than need. In essence, science must be coordinated with spirituality, especially in the face of sustainable development needs and efforts to build a better today and tomorrow (Kreiner, 2018). As Albert Einstein once said: “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world a new.” We cannot continue with science in isolation and must incorporate spirituality into science to develop a new consciousness that is able to provide sustainable solutions to the world problems.


Dole, G. F. (2018). The Universe and I: Where Science & Spirituality Meet. Swedenborg Foundation.

Griffen, N. C. (2020). From Science to Spirituality: Finding Spirituality in Science. ReadersMagnet LLC.

Kreiner, T. (2018). Composition of Life: A Memoir of Science and Spirituality. Outskirts Press.

Levy, P. (2018). The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality. SelectBooks, Inc.

Miller, L. (2021). The Awakened Brain: The New Science of Spirituality and Our Quest for an Inspired Life. Random House Publishing Group.

Newberg, A. (2018). Neurotheology: How Science Can Enlighten Us About Spirituality. Colombia University Press.

Taylor, S. (2018). Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World. Watkins Media. Dualism in Science and Spirituality Essay Discussion Paper

The assignment: Compose a 5-page paper research paper (not including the Title Page and Reference Page) in which you: Identify a topic relevant to the academic field of science and spirituality. Pose an argument (claim) regarding the topic and support that claim with documented evidence. Provide a brief overview of select arguments of both scientists and spiritual thinkers related to that topic. Analyze the validity of selected arguments and determine whether the arguments could be reconciled. Include a Title Page (including a title expressing the thesis/claim) and References. Cite all sources, in proper APA format, used in your research. Questions about this assignment? Post them in the Contact the Instructor area. That way, everyone in the class will see, and benefit from, the Instructor’s response.