Eating Disorder : Anorexia Essay

People live in a get-rich-quick, slim-down-fast, make-it-easy for them society. Today, there are numerous opportunities to change your appearance, your look and style, and finally, your body. But some of human bottled solutions are not always the smartest or safest remedy. The weight loss often comes with the baggage of side effects, and most of them negative.Eating Disorder : Anorexia Essay

Today, thinness is often equated with attractiveness and perfect body. Thus, girls are ready to diet to the point of starvation to lose as much weight as possible. Anorexia does not mean having a lack of appetite, because people with this illness have a strong desire to eat something. A person may be completely convinced that he or she weights too much despite what others say, and tries to limit eating, which leads to negative results.  Anorexia nervosa causes unwanted side effects on human bodies and minds, and the person with this illness strongly fears being overweight. This disorder usually begins in adolescence, when teenagers are hooked on an idealized and unrealistic body image (womenshealthmag). Scientific evidence shows that anorexia is caused by genetic vulnerability (relatives of patients with this illness have a 4-6% risk of having anorexia themselves) and environmental factors (peer pressure, images from television and advertising). Anorexia is a serious eating disorder which leads to a number of health problems, including significant weight loss (more than 15% of normal body weight), anemia, poor concentration, low blood pressure, and amenorrhea. Thus, treatment often requires a combination of psychotherapy, medication, education, and long-term support.Eating Disorder : Anorexia Essay


Is there are such a thing as the perfect body? Is beauty something we can measure? A new science, the science of attraction, has come to the conclusion that beauty is objective and quantifiable. We all seem to be attracted to the same things, but the ideal body does not mean starvations and significant weight loss. Healthy lifestyle and physical activity are both essential to prevent risks of many diseases, including anorexia.

Works Cited:

“Anorexia Nervosa.” Women’s Health Magazine, online web resource,  May 9, 2013. Web 21 March, 2016.<>Eating Disorder : Anorexia Essay