EBP, Research, And Quality Improvement Discussion

Running head: EBP, RESEARCH, AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT EBP, Research, and Quality Improvement Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation EBP, RESEARCH, AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 2 EBP, Research, and Quality Improvement PART A PICOT Question: In COVID-19 patients of ages 65 and older (P), does the use of an invasive mechanical ventilator (I) compared to a non-invasive, mechanical ventilator (C) increase recovery chances (O) within 14 days of admission? My question identified different PICOT components from Villa Hospital’s PICOT question, except time. EBP, Research, And Quality Improvement Discussion


The problem in the Villa PICOT is the low flu vaccination rates among patient care assistants. The intervention they suggested is using an invasive mechanical ventilator, and the comparison was a non-invasive ventilator. Besides, the two questions focused on patient recovery as the primary outcome. However, Villa Health projected between 85% and 90% vaccine compliance over the next three months, which is ideal since the next flu outbreak will be in November. But COVID-19 positivity rate has plummeted in many countries, and 14 days would be suitable for patients under mechanical ventilation. The recovery rate is a significant measure of spread and would inform public health policy decisions. My question was more precise because it included the population’s characteristics, particularly age. Villa Health did not specify the age of COVID-19 patients, yet it would influence the intervention. EBP, Research, And Quality Improvement Discussion