Education Strategy Paper Essay


The educational models in nursing under review are the use of smartphones and distance learning in nursing education. A significant difference between the two educational models is that use of smartphones, or mobile learning, is a sub-division on online learning, which is a major aspect of distance learning, given the technological advancement. An impact that smartphones would have on nursing education is enhancing the academic performance for the students. Distance learning in nursing impacts the nursing profession by creating platforms upon which the nurses who seek to advance their studies and continue to work.Education Strategy Paper Essay

Education Strategy Paper

Comparison between  Use of Smartphones (Mobile Learning) and Distance Learning

The educational models in nursing under review are the use of smartphones and distance learning in nursing education. Smartphones are mobile technologies that have applications that contain nursing educational material that student nurses can refer to for their lessons. The smartphones provide quick access to the educational materials during classes and clinical conferences, where the students can also review course material before performing the skills learned in the classroom (Lee et al., 2018). Distance learning, conversely, is the learning that takes place remotely, through the use of online platforms or mail correspondence. The use of smartphones and distance learning in nursing education is similar because the two models entail the use of online platforms. Students using smartphones for their study must use online platforms to access their mobile applications or conduct quick research on nursing concepts. The same case applies for distance learning nursing students, who also use online platforms such as websites to access course content, do exams, conduct research, and attend web classes. Another similarity between the two learning models is that they have limited student-teacher interactions because of the technological mediums involved. The students who use smartphones to access material engage less with their instructors, just as those under distance learning nursing programs.


            A significant difference between the two educational models is that use of smartphones, or mobile learning, is a sub-division on online learning, which is a major aspect of distance learning, given the technological advancement (Belgin, 2015). Use of smartphones is different from online learning in distance learning because the students only access the material from their mobile devices, as a supplement to the course content they learn in their classrooms. Conversely, students in distance learning programs via online platforms fully rely on these platforms for their learning. There is no physical classroom involved for their learning activities.

Articles on Smartphones and Distance Learning in Nursing

An article by George & DeCristofaro (2016) sought to investigate the effectiveness of using smartphones for learning with undergraduate nursing students. The researchers introduced smartphone applications to the nursing students with information on topics such as body mass index and preventive services. The results of this study revealed that the students well accepted the phones for learning, and they allowed the students to transfer their learning processes from the classroom to the community setting by referring to the information found in the applications. Additionally, the researchers established that the smartphones promoted active learning and retention of knowledge.Education Strategy Paper Essay

The second article is by Belgin (2015), who seeks to examine the importance of distance education within nursing learning. The researcher conducts a literature review of various empirical studies by other authors. One of the findings is that nurses who worked for extended hours preferred distance learning and found valuable critiques from their peers while on these online platforms. Additionally, more than 80% of the nurses under the distance learning programs sought programs that still allowed them to interact with other students. Therefore, distance learning still provides the learners with opportunities to interact with others, learn on flexible schedules, and still receive their accreditation or certification as nurses. In addition to this, while many nurses were reluctant to using the internet for their distance learning, they began to consider these platforms as technology advances. Overall, this study revealed that nurses under distance learning programs tend to prefer this learning alternative because of its flexibility.

Impact of Innovations on Nursing Education

An impact that smartphones would have on nursing education is enhancing the academic performance for the students. According to the study by George & DeCristofaro (2016), the use of smartphones is advisable in nursing learning because the students tend to retain the knowledge more when using the mobile learning applications. Knowledge retention in the nursing concepts helps the nursing students enhance their professionalism when working in the field.

Distance learning in nursing impacts the nursing profession by creating platforms upon which the nurses who seek to advance their studies and continue to work. This situation enables nurses to continue practising and still continue advancing their professionalism. By doing so, there is no reduced workforce in the nursing profession, and the nurses enhance their qualification, increasing the quality of service they would deliver to their patients.Education Strategy Paper Essay

However, a major disadvantage with the mobile learning through the use of smartphones is that it could provide distractions for the students. Smartphones have numerous downloadable applications that offer distractions such as social media sites that could have the student engaged instead of focusing on the learning applications (Lee et al., 2018). Additionally, the distance learning opportunities may reduce the level of student responsibility because there is no immediate supervision as there would be in a physical classroom scenario. In such cases, there are chances of students slacking because of flexible schedules and lack of supervision, ultimately neglecting their school work. Such scenarios would lead to poor academic performance and qualification of the nurse.


Belgin, Y. (2015). The Importance of Distance Education in Nursing. International Women Online Journal Of Distance Education, 4(1).

George, T., & DeCristofaro, C. (2016). Use of Smartphones With Undergraduate Nursing Students. Journal Of Nursing Education, 55(7), 411-415.

Lee, H., Min, H., Oh, S. M., & Shim, K. (2018). Mobile Technology in Undergraduate Nursing Education: A Systematic Review. Healthcare informatics research, 24(2), 97–108.

Education Strategy Paper Essay